Obsessed Runner Blog

2020.03.25 - Trust the miles

randy freepLast night I escaped the COVID 19 world for a bit as I was transported to the front of the pack of the 2010 Western States 100 Mile Endurance Run by watching the movie "Unbreakable", on youtube.com. Upbeat, motivational movies and books can change a negative thought pattern to one of hope and wonder. Seeing what the human spirit is capable of might give us the push needed to reach our potential. Vegan athletes, the best long distance runners in the world, who run 150 to 200 mile weeks up and down mountains, alone in the wilderness, have incredible insight, not unlike cloistered monks or gurus, and they share them in this movie. A common thread was leaving structured training behind and trusting long hard miles with thousands of feet of climb on rocky rooted trails, letting the run teach us the way.

Let's use this time to grow,

Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner on life's journey.

2020.03.18 - Invest in the run

randy potoAs runners, we are trained for adversity, these are hard days but for most of us who are not fighting the virus, not life or death, just tough. There are a lot books centered on World War Two on the best seller's lists these days. Staying home, with the heat on and a fridge full of food, compared to hiding in a freezing attic with almost nothing for months on end, with the enemy just outside, helps put things in perspective. That said, once again, the value of today's run is inversely proportional to the stock market, a solid investment, get out there.

Things are tough, you are tougher,

Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner, whose morning run is still paying interest late in the day.

PS: The Crew at RF Events are hard at work, creating creative ways to lessen the frustration we all have from cancelled events. This NY Times article explains our pain well. https://static.nytimes.com/email-content/RU_sample.html

2020.03.12 - Run away

randy potoThe daily run not only gives us a place to escape the torrent of bad news for a bit but has also has helped prepare us for this day. The following comes from David Nieman, the world's leading exercise-immunity researcher. One way to protect yourself from Immunosenescence, Keep exercising. "It's one of the biggest most important and most amazing effects of exercise, "says Nieman. "Overall, regular exercisers are about 20 to 30 years younger, in terms of Immunity, than those who don't exercise. FULL ARTICLE

That said, let's do our part to limit the spread of the virus to help give the medical community time to get this sorted out, come up with solutions and hopefully, save some lives in the meantime.

Hang tough,

Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner who is trying to stay positive.

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