Obsessed Runner Blog
January 30, 2008 - The rule: Never let the weather affect your planned run.
Yo run gang,
Im sure you can relate I put off the Monday morning run at 20 degrees opting for the day end run with a predicted high of 40. The morning was still, clear and the sun rise was beautiful. I ran that night in the dark, pouring rain and perhaps mid 30s. Each foot fall was a cold wet shock, you get the picture. The rule: Never let the weather affect your planned run, when race day dawns, you have no choice in the matter and you better be ready and know how to dress and run in all conditions. Not to mention, there are a ton of things that will come along to thwart the days run, weather should never be one of them. If the rain had been in the AM, I should still have headed out. Didnt I just say that?
No excuses, last years Super Bowl 5K was held in 5 degree weather with a stiff wind. In 06, race morning dawned with about a foot of new snow, memorable stuff, dont miss this year! Im coming for the finishers pint glass and post race hot wings and not just because theyre being served by the Hooters girls! 5K not long enough? Run a second loop with me, by then youll know the course! Enter at www.runsuperbowl.com.
A trick to get past the midwinter slump almost like magic is a trip to Running Fit for new shoes. At this time of year, the stores are slow and you can take your time trying on everything with our lonely staff members who are excited to talk about your running. Best yet, the 08 spring shoes just came in, new models like the Kayano 14, Nike Structure Triax 10 and Brooks Adrenaline GTS 8. Shameless plug? Well maybe, but Ill soften it up, bring this email in for $10 off any new shoes and fire up the magic!
Get out and run!
Randy Step
For more Run Reading, click here: Running Adventure!
January 23, 2008 - Consider racing in Michigan this year as you choose your event goals.
Yo run gang,
Consider racing in Michigan this year as you choose your event goals. With a difficult economy and gas over three bucks, running in Michigan makes more sense than ever. Youll save some cash and help the local economy. To start, why travel to the Super Bowl when you can run the Super 5K in Novi on February 3rd and come home with a very usable pint glass to use during game where you will have the best seat in the house! Go to www.runsuperbowl.com.
Running Dreams, are they common to all runners who dream? In mine, I either find myself running in slow motion, a huge effort, like running in wet cement or with cement blocks tied to my legs or the opposite, finding myself taking huge strides, literally flying just over the earth, waiting for the next foot strike. The nightmare I have is not finding my way to a race, or being late for the start. What does it all mean, anything, nothing?
Hey, tomorrow night is the only night you can catch the movie "Spirit of the Marathon" on the big screen as it plays at several local theaters. Running is ignored by the sports world, a non revenue sport, every opportunity that we have to see running in the spot light is a must! Ive got my ticket! Click here for more information on "Spirit of the Marathon".
Run like you mean it,
Randy Step, an obsessed runner thats not looking to change that!
For more Run Reading, click here: Treadmill Running Will Make You Faster!
January 16, 2008 - For sanity sake, we all need more than one passion.
Yo run gang,
For sanity sake, we all need more than one passion. Its like having insurance or a diversified portfolio, when something happens and we cant pursue our obsession, we must have an option or - Yikes! May I suggest a well rounded portfolio of three passions, or should I say one obsession and 2 passions? The terms are close to interchangeable but life without one activity where you go over the line will leave you in the middle of the road - road kill. Ideally, two physical passions and one that you can pursue with most of your parts not working. Im talking about writing, reading, research or what have you, perhaps being a Civil War nut, you get the idea. As for physical, it needs to be aerobic and able to cop you a few endorphins, stuff like biking, swimming or paddle sports. These thoughts came up while I was on the bike a lot the last two weeks because of pain and that Im PATIENT DAMMIT! Anyway, Im back on my feet and getting in miles this week, whew.
Road Trip! Join me in Travers City the weekend of January 26th for the Bigfoot 5 & 10K Snowshoe race. No practice necessary, its just running with big shoes, slow hard running but just a riot, no learning curve. Lots of hotel deals and we all need to escape. Go to www.runsnow.com then stay online and grab a hotel room!
Get out and run, then sit down and ?
Randy Step
Head Goat and Obsessed Runner
For more Run Reading, click here: Run Snow!