February 13, 2008 - This winter action is getting old.
Yo run gang,
This winter action is getting old, getting out the door calls for every trick in the book. Todays trick: Get online and sign up for an event and follow a schedule that will get you there in the shape you want to be in. OK, Ill help. We have 7 weeks from Saturday to get ready for the Martian Invasion of Races, 10K on Saturday April 5th and Half and Full Marathon on April 6th. I have written schedules for you starting THIS SATURDAY! No lame excuses (Yes I have a 10K schedule starting at one mile and the half marathon schedule starts with a long run of 8 miles this weekend!). Next, go to www.martianmarathon.com and sign up. Knowing you are committed will make all the difference when you are waffling on getting out the door!
Click here for my training schedules.
Yikes, you are doing this!
Head Goat and Obsessed Runner
Randy Step
For more Run Reading, click here: Tricks to Motivate You Out The Door For a Run!
February 6, 2008 - My favorite running book.
Yo run gang,
I run, I read, I write. Im a big fan of novels that have a running theme as part of or the entire story; unfortunately, they are few and far between. I also like a good psycho book and never pass up a new Steven King, go figure. Anyway, my favorite book of all time was Once a Runner by John L. Parker. Parkers novel captured the essence of training and racing like no other.
All of a sudden everyone thinks this is the greatest running book ever. For proof, Google Once a Runner and see if you can buy a tattered copy of this out of print book for under $300, you cant! You can try the library but Ive checked several and all copies of this valuable book have been stolen. The reason for this new found fan club is the recent release of my new favorite running book of all time, the sequel to Once a Runner, Parkers new book Return to Carthage.
Not to sound like Im giving you a stock tip but may I suggest you grab a hard cover copy of this first edition while they exist, weve ordered in several at Running Fit and they disappear fast. The truth is, you should keep and cherish this book even if it becomes valuable! Before reading it I suggest you get a hold of a copy of Once a runner and read that first. The rumor is a new printing will soon be out, Im sure that is true now that the demand is stupid high.
Anyone interested in buying some beanie babies?
Get out and run!
Randy Step
For more Run Reading, click here: Once a Runner (Randy Steps Edition)