Obsessed Runner Blog
2012-10-03 - It's a gift
Yo run gang,
The fall race season is upon us! Yikes! Many of you will be lining up in Chicago this weekend or in Detroit or Grand Rapids in just a couple weeks. No matter what the outcome, remember, it is a gift just to make it to the starting line, enjoy the adventure (From the Latin, adventura, where the outcome is uncertain. The spice of life!)
An under-trained runner with a positive attitude will beat a trained runner with doubts every time. Just relax, run smart and enjoy the sights, sounds and ... Pain! You work hard to feel this bad, savor it, as the rest of the world lives in a couch potato haze you are fully alive and diggin' it!
In all distance events, 9 out of 10 world records are set when running negative splits, a faster second half. A difficult concept to get your head around in a long race: the idea that you will pick it up. Going out too fast is the number one mistake, every minute you are ahead of schedule is a potential to walk 10 minutes at the end; it is not money in the bank. Don't do it!
For those who heed my words, I'm proud of you already!
Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner who loves the long run, an event that continues to offer self discovery, keeping the fire lit.
March 2, 2011 - Where's the Obsessed Runner?
The Obsessed Runner seems to have been abducted by Leprechauns or possibly Martians.
We're not really sure, he was here, there was a flash of green, he was gone!
Come to Shamrocks & Shenanigans on March 13 or the Martian Marathon on April 2 & help us look for him!
Thanks, The Crew at Running Fit
2011-11-30 - Take a Break...
December 1st, what many of us consider the official start of the off season, a time to lick the wounds and give the body a break. On February 1st, we'll come back rested and ready to crank on all cylinders! We don't quit running for two months, heck no, we just dial back, skipping days and keeping the intensity low. No long or hard workouts, no sweating the weekly mileage and no serious racing. A time for some fun races like the Holiday Hustle 5K on Saturday at 4:30 PM, races where we dress up, enjoy a romp with friends though the cool evening air and leave the watch at home. Runholiday5k.com. Ha, OK, maybe the off season starts on Sunday ...
Run, rest, run,
Randy Step, an obsessed runner, about to dial down a notch...
PS: Just a heads up, Bayshore opens registration tomorrow, December 1st, and all events will fill in a few hours, YIKES!
Naughty or nice, walker or runner, come breathe in the December night air and give back to others. A silly, hilly out and back course that will take in the neighborhood light displays and give you a chance to see the flashing gang ahead or behind you!
Flashing gang? Yes! Register early and the first 500 get a choice of some flashing or jingling flare (to be picked up at packet pick up).
This charity event donates $5 of your entry fee to local Dexter charities. Bring canned or non perishable food items for the needy and get a raffle ticket for each item! Raffle items from Running Fit to include 2 $50 gift cards, 4 $25 gift cards, gloves, hats, bags and more!