Obsessed Runner Blog

2022.11.02 - Late season running

randy potoNot to worry, the weather will change and getting our butts out the door will become a serious challenge, a challenge we will take head on! Time to get the winter gear in order, bring it on! Next comes the season filled with running traditions, starting with the Turkey Trots. Thanksgiving is the biggest day in the running year with the most events and greatest number of participants! Of course, I’m partial to the Ann Arbor TT … We finish our year with the small town Holiday runs like Dexter’s Holiday Hustle and thousands of others with reindeer, snowflakes, frost, Dickens and Santas in their titles. These runs are seriously not intimidating fun runs with walkers, plodders, costumes, and smiles. One of the greatest gifts we can give is to invite our non-running family and friends to join us, perhaps starting a tradition and changing lives forever. Ho, Ho, Go!

Every healthy day is a gift, don’t squander them!

Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner writing about winter just after finishing a sweaty fall run in shorts! Ok, now for some shameless plugs! Ann Arbor Turkey Trot, Dexter Holiday Hustle including, new this year, a half marathon! Last but not least, MY BOOK! I promise it will be an important tool to getting your butt out the door this winter!

2022.10.12 - Your run might save a life

randy trailI’ve been in Florida since the day Hurricane Ian hit our second home here, I’ve never spent time on the front lines of a disaster and it’s harder than I could have imagined. I am dirty, tired but safe. The marathon mentality and fitness level from being a runner has got me through and kept me going. It’s a high tech modern world that makes it easy to forget that you might be in a situation that your fitness level can save your life or lives of others. Let’s get our butts out the door so we can be the ones to help, perhaps not being the one needing help. That said, I feel for those who have only one home and have lost everything. The incredible outpouring of support down here is humbling. We live in a great country with great people. Every day I’ve had people volunteering to save our home. They come door to door asking if we need help. They deliver hot lunches, water and lift spirits, and make me smile and cry.

Run forever, 

Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner who is feeling grateful.

2022.09.28 - Undertrained, so what!

randy freepFor those of us running long in Detroit, Grand Rapids, Chicago or wherever, this is no time to second think our training. It’s rare that training goes as planned. We can’t change it now so it’s time to accept that whatever kind of miles we got in, we need to come up with a realistic plan of how to run our race, not, on what we hoped. I’ve said it before, if you go in undertrained you have nothing to lose, those who are well trained are at risk of blowing all the work they have done! Ha. That said, those who did the work, I’m proud of you already. Run smart, follow your plan and enjoy your race! The rest of us will do the work on race day, not ideal but it will be an adventure, perhaps a painful and long adventure but we will cross the same finish line and will learn a bit about ourselves. Good stuff. Run smart and laugh at yourself when sh##t hits the fan and remember, this is what we do for fun!

Keep moving forward,

Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner who just missed 5 weeks of running but will line up for the marathon in Detroit. A race I have run in 2:46 and will be thrilled if I walk, run and slog it in twice that time!

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