Obsessed Runner Blog

2013-02-20 - Philosophy of Running

Yo run gang,
February 20, 2013

It's nice to preach to the choir - you - who get it. I'm sure it's not often that I share things that you don't already know, I can only hope that I can give some confirmation to your choices in life and keep you ... keep both of us, on track. (Or road or trail ...).

I don't consider myself a philosopher, the title is a bit lofty, I've read that a philosopher is someone who tries to say or put down in words what we all know and think already, and I'll accept that's what I attempt to do when it comes to the daily run, our daily bread ... That said, it would have been far out to discuss running in the forum or public baths - like Plato or Aristotle - instead of a blog. Dang!

Give us this day our daily run, and we'll get through the rest,

Randy Step, an obsessed runner would have loved to have spent some time in the tub with y'all during the Classical years, after the run of course!

PS: Public baths fulfilled many of the needs and desires of citizens in classical times and were the center of social life. These extravagant structures were places where one could relax, enjoy art, discuss politics, and converse with others about the issues of the day. These great "palaces of entertainment served all tastes and admitted almost anyone," both rich and poor.

PS: RunWoodstock.com, I'm thinking this may be as close as we get to the social and physical center of running in this day and age. A weekend where we can beat ourselves up on the trails, mellow out to the jams, sit around  the fire and share our joy/pain, and set our souls free.

November 3, 2010 - I DO love winter...

Yo Run Gang,

As the fall race season draws to end you might find the motivation to get out the door also coming to an end ... Don't let this happen! Think of the shape you want to be in when it's time to line up again next spring. Think of the personal records and goals you thought about during this running year and where you hope to be next year, CHAMPIONS ARE MADE IN WINTER!

Those who put in the winter miles have the base needed to rock as the spring run season heats up, those who don't get them in have to put up with the setbacks often seen while increasing mileage and getting "Back" in shape. You will be starting out in spring with a good mileage and strength base. Outdoor winter running will give you strength, the heavy clothing, the varied footing, all play into getting the ancillary muscles of the body into play. I'll see you on the roads and in the woods, seeing stuff you won't on a treadmill! Yes, treadmill running is way better than no running and has its own unique benefits, but you do need to get outside consistently for sanity and all the above.

Run against the wind, then with it!

Randy, an obsessed runner who loves winter, who loves winter, who loves winter (Sorry, I need to keep up the mantra)

October 29, 2008 - November, the start of the stress free running season!

Yo Run Gang,

Ahhh November, the start of the stress free running season! Sure, the weather sucks, but who cares. The racing season is behind us and for the most part, there are no scheduled miles to worry about. A time for short runs, days off, and perhaps a long run if you feel like it every other week or so But not too long.

Running is that sweet spot of our day, its what we do to escape work, worries and stress. So, when I say stress free running its a bit of an oxymoron, but not all things are black and white. To follow a running schedule and prepare for an event takes dedication and commitment, with that comes a certain kind of stress, not a serious stress like the things you have little control over but you get the idea. From now until the end of January, lighten up and enjoy!

The serious events are over but the fun family running events fit in well with the holiday schedule. If you havent already, I suggest starting some holiday running traditions to get the family out together and share some fun miles. It starts with the Detroit Turkey Trot. Its worth a trip to the big city for this Parade of an event, and yes, there is even a parade!

Get out and run!
Randy Step

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