Obsessed Runner Blog

2013-10-02 - Plan, Run, Learn, Race

randy runningFall is certainly the sweet spot of the running year, not only do we get glorious crisp running days but it's the season for us to put all our hard work and training into action at the fall events. Many of you have targeted your year towards a fall race, be that the marathon, half marathon, 10K, 5K or whatever, you now get to reap the rewards from your long term goal planning and execution. Training for an event teaches us the life skills that will bring us success in all aspects of this busy and wonderful life.  For those of us who have been at this a while, each event is a bit of a refresher course in time management and planning. I find that during the time period that I'm training for a specific race, my life's direction seems clear and focused and my productivity is high in all areas, when not in training I get sidetracked with nonsense, perhaps the answer is to always have a goal.

Plan, run, learn, race,

Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner ... Who does not move forward well without a game plan

PS: For those of you who have chosen to join us at Heroes on Hines, we thank you. We are proud to be a part of this serious and important fund raising project for the memorial to fallen first responders. I can't wait to check out the finished project race day, this Saturday, October 5th! Half marathon and 5k Late entry is available for those of you who have not yet entered, what a great way to get in a last training run for Detroit. See heroesonhines.com

PS: Thinking of running a Turkey Trot this Thanksgiving? Join Running Fit for Turkey Trot training beginning Saturday October 19.  Turkey Trot Training

PS: Soon the nonsense starts, the silly and fun races to wind down the year. Runs like Run Scream Run 5k, 10k on October 12th, where we get to dress up and run from or with the Zombies at Michigan's number one horror attraction, Wiard's Orchard, in Ypsilanti. It's also the perfect low key taper fun for Detroit Freep (With awesome finisher's medals!). See runscreamrun.com. You can't beat a fall color road trip to Traverse City, especially when you throw in an October 26th  Zombie race from a brewery when you get there! See tczombierun.com .

PS: Finish up the year with the Holiday Hustle 5k in Dexter, the perfect holiday tradition. See

2013-09-25 - We must becone selfish

randy runningRunning is play, escape, meditation, and gets us back to being on the same team as our body, reminding us that our minds and bodies are one and we will remain incomplete, unproductive and unhealthy if we don't nurture this mind and body as one. We live in a world that separates us from our bodies, a world that asks that we focus our attention on business, family, relationships, productivity and charity. It is our responsibility to take care of ourselves, to create the time and expend the energy on what our body and mind are personally in need of. We must become selfish ... for the good of the world. If we are without health and happiness, we are the ones who will be in need and will not be in the position to give or to play a positive role in this world. There are many days that our daily run will be the most important thing that we do.

Yesterday I went to one of those seminars that offer a magic formula for taking your business to the next level of success. I was asked, what is the mission statement for Running Fit? My answer, we are out to help our people find the meaning of life. The room got quiet.

May today's run give you what you need,

Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner, who, like you, will be heading out on the roads and trails today seeking the answers to the questions our existence and the existence of the universe, as we will be on our run tomorrow and every day until we do.

P.S. -  Remember summer? It will be back again next year! Join us at our Ann Arbor West location at 5700 Jackson Rd. Friday through Sunday for 40-75% off summer apparel! Stock up so you're ready to take on the heat when it returns!

P.S. - Looking for a beautiful fall weekend in the woods? Join Running Fit September 28 in Traverse City for Run Vasa, a 5K, 10K and 25K trail run. runvasa.com

P.P.S - Love giving back? Join us as a volunteer at the 20 Mile Training Run September 28! Cheer on and help out those training for a fall marathon! Volunteer Now

2013-09-18 - Harder than iron, more fragil than a rose

randy runningProverb - "Man is harder than iron, stronger than stone and more fragile than a rose". I'm guessing this proverb came from a runner who just got injured. It's amazing how we can train the body to run great one season and the next season we have some nagging pain that won't let us finish 5k, dang. We all know someone, or ourselves, who one day gets out of the car or out of bed the wrong way and breaks their leg or some similar freak injury. One thing is certain, life is not fair. For sure I'd rather get a running injury from being bull headed and doing something dumb than have the body fail me while I'm training conservatively and smart but stuff happens. When it does, we do what has to be done to get back to what we love and live for.

At the time life craps on us it's hard to accept the fact that adversity and how we get through it makes us who we are and leaves us better equipped to take on all this life can throw at us. Eventually, it adds to our greatness ... It takes a long time to make a diamond!

Run, fall, break, and come back stronger,

Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner and a work in progress.

P.S. - Looking for a beautiful fall weekend in the woods? Join Running Fit September 28 in Traverse City for Run Vasa, a 5K, 10K and 25K trail run. runvasa.com

P.P.S - Love giving back? Join us as a volunteer at the 20 Mile Training Run September 28! Cheer on and help out those training for a fall marathon! Volunteer Now

P.P.S. - Looking for a great fall marathon training run? Join us for a 20 miler at Kensington on September 28, 2013 with aid every 3 miles! More info here

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