Obsessed Runner Blog

2013-10-16 - Run, Grow, Live

randy runningI've been a runner... for a long time. How we run, the thoughts we have about running and what completes us as a runner will continue to evolve, adding a richness to this running life that only gets better.

In the early years I loved the breakthroughs in my time and speed. Learning and growing faster from books, magazines, coaches, speed work, schedules, high mileage and racing kept my fire lit.

Eventually my running transitioned into the social framework of my life. Training partners, the running club, group trips to races and shared running experiences got me out the door. My personal records motivated me because I could share them with a group that could appreciate my accomplishments and I in turn took pleasure in hearing of or witnessing their success.

As I matured as a runner, I became the coach. Taking new runners, guiding them past the mistakes and helping them accomplish their personal goals allowed me to bask in the glory of their success along with my own. On my runs, my mind was consumed by how I could make a difference in the success of others. As a coach, my runs took on new meaning, I was out there putting in long and hard miles in an attempt to gain insight into something I could share.

Today, the meditative and philosophical stream of consciousness aspects of the run, in combination with living in the moment, fulfills me to the core. There are days I need to run long and alone, on others I enjoy sharing the moment, sharing thoughts or sharing only the sounds of footfalls and labored breath.

Run, grow, live,

Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner... And I'm really OK with that.

PS: The Self Defense Clinic coming to Running Fit Northville on 10/21 6:30pm: More Info and Registration HERE. This 90 minute class is led by Lee Shaykhett and you can find more info on his training techniques at http://www.shaykhettraining.com/

PS: Save the Date: October 30th: Grand Opening Festivities will take place at the New Running Fit, Arbor Hills, Washtenaw at Platt Rd., Ann Arbor, run, food, drinks, music, swag!

PS: Join us for a Runner's Slam Breakfast Run celebrating running and racing! The doors will open at 7am Saturday, October 26 at Running Fit in Novi, with a group run at 7:30am. Saucony will be bringing out some wear test shoes! Don't miss a FREE post run celebratory breakfast! More info HERE!

2013-10-23 - Night Moves

randy runningTwas' a fine weekend for running down in the "D" at the Detroit Free Press Races. Congrats to all who accomplished their goals or at least had the courage to start! It was fun for us to see so many of you at the Running Fit booth or on or along the course.

Safety is always a running priority but as the days shorten and we run into and out of the darkness it takes constant vigilance. Always run against traffic and even though we will all be running with reflective clothing, vests, headlamps and perhaps strobe flashers, expect the unexpected and remain alert and agile. This is also the time to dig out your running shoe traction tricks like Yak Tracks, in case of a bit of black ice or snow. And yes ... Running Fit has a great selection of footwear traction devices, reflective vests and headlamps, be prepared.

Sunrise and sunsets experienced on the run take on a mystical quality, making the run seem to cover more than one day and supercharging the experience, leaving us with a satisfaction the non running world will never know. Bring on daylight savings, we can handle it!

Run long, run safe, and run into the seasons,

Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner who is ready to take on the night!

PS: Save the Date: October 30th: Grand Opening Festivities will take place at the New Running Fit, Arbor Hills, Washtenaw at Platt Rd., Ann Arbor, run, food, drinks, music, swag!

PS: Join us for a Runner's Slam Breakfast Run celebrating running and racing! The doors will open at 7am Saturday, October 26 at Running Fit in Novi, with a group run at 7:30am. Saucony will be bringing out some wear test shoes! Don't miss a FREE post run celebratory breakfast! More info HERE!

2013-10-09 - I NEED to Run

randy runningI have found running and now I am a runner, no longer do I just want to run, I need to run. My need for running is like my need to get outside, it's like my need to get to the woods. Running is my natural fix. Running is a place I must go to recharge my body and mind, like an ancient druid that gets supernatural powers from contact with the earth, I draw clarity and energy with each foot fall. A walk in the woods works wonders; add sweat and it's like throwing on the holy waters of baptism, cleansing me from deep in my soul to the surface of my skin.

Perhaps the need to run comes from the get down to basics nature of our sport. Running is so unlike the complicated, computer generated framework that has come to control much of our daily existence. The run allows us to unplug and reboot. Running requires so little, in fact, it can be done naked, I'd say that's a pretty good test for simplicity. Some minimal shodding and covering may add to our comfort and keep us from some puritan violations but all in all, still beautifully simple.

Eat, drink, sleep, love, run,

Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner who ... needs to run.

PS: RUN SCREAM RUN with us at Wiard's Orchard in Ypsilanti on Saturday! Glorious weather, Zombies and other nonsense. 5K, 10K, enter at runscreamrun.com . Late entry on site Friday and race morning.
PS: Run Scream Run raffle to benefit one of Hope Clinic's Care and Share Closet, which provides personal care items and household cleaners to individuals in need. For each donated item get a raffle ticket to win running shoes, gift cards, event entries and cool stuff! Drop off at early registration or race day. Donation Items needed: Toilet paper, Dishwashing liquid, High-efficiency (he), powdered laundry detergent, All-purpose cleaners - Comet, Ajax, Pine Sol, etc., Baby formula - Enfamil in yellow cans, Baby wipes, Deodorant, Feminine hygiene products. (Limit 5 tickets per person) Hope Clinic, serving those in need with dignity and respect.(www.thehopeclinic.org )

PS: Save the Date: October 30th: Grand Opening Festivities will take place at the New Running Fit, Arbor Hills, Washtenaw at Platt Rd., Ann Arbor, run, food, drinks, music, swag!

PS: Run with us in Mexico! February 15 - 22, 2014! Official details to come, express interest here!

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