Obsessed Runner Blog

2014-06-11 - Running with Dad

randy runningOne day I returned home after a long hard run and was sitting on the back porch in a sweaty post run haze. My dad looked at me shaking his head and commented, you might not live to be 100 ... but it will sure seem like it! My dad was from an old world family and my running passion took awhile for him to accept. Later in life, he let me know that he was proud of his running son and that he could see that it was positive influence, giving me a discipline and consistency that carried over to my work and family life ... Much like the influence my dad worked to give me growing up, running kind of picked up for my dad when I left the nest.  

I lost my dad earlier this year. Never have my runs seemed such a valuable comfort to me. I've been spending the miles recalling our times together, hearing his voice, his laugh and seeing his smile.

The run is there for you,

Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner and father of my own adult children that I could not be more proud of. And I'm sure you're wondering, yes, they run.

PS: Some great runs we hope to see you at:

This Saturday June 14th, join us for a bit of pre-father's day action at The Canton Liberty Festival 5K-10K run/walk. A Patriotic Party with the ridiculous costume theme of Stars, Strips and Jorts! Lots of awards for your creative effort, and a post-race beer. Enter at cantonlibertyrun.com

June 28th, Novi.  A nice race for a great cause, "Live Like Andi" 5K & 10K run and 5K walk and one mile walk.  

Running 501 Registration in Northville/Novi is open!  Orientation is scheduled for 6:15pm on Wednesday June 18. Certified Coaches, Suzi Stock and Doug Goodhue are returning for their 7th year to again create a running environment and challenge for not only our returning runners, but new runners of all ages and fitness levels who are looking for a organized group training experience! This 18 week training program is centered around the 2014 Fall Marathon and Half-Marathon season...especially the Detroit Free Press Marathon on October 19, 2014.

Thinking about running the Traverse City Lighthouse Half Marathon? Then we've got just the thing for you. A 12 week training program in Traverse City!

06-04-2014 - National Running Day

randy runningToday is  National Running Day, kind of like a Hallmark Holiday, we won't change the world overnight but anything that might help to wake up the majority of Americans rotting away in a couch potato haze is worth promoting. We are so very lucky to have found running and walking and all the positive aspects that they bring to our daily lives, I feel it's a duty to share what we have and bring new runners into the fold in any way that we find that works. So yes, it's Ok to trick them into it, whatever it takes! Invite the inactive friend out for a walk, when it feels right, suggest running for a minute, stay a step behind and go as slow as necessary, say it's time to walk again before they do. Talk about having them train for a 5K, suggest one about a year away, spark the idea and watch it smolder until it flames.

Share the run,

Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner who is working to trick everyone out the door

P.S.- Can't successfully trick your friends into running quite yet? We always need volunteers! Some FUN upcoming volunteer opportunities include the Canton Liberty run on June 14, and the Triceratops Tri on June 18th! CHECK IT OUT! All volunteers receive a $30 race voucher and cool volunteer swag!

2014-05-28 - We share the run

randy runningThere is so much more to each of us than meets the eye, we each live a rich and interesting life and have a valuable story to tell. As we go through our day to day lives we pass people on the street, they drive by in cars, they surround us in crowds, people we don't know a thing about, people we most likely take for granted. It's hard to remember at times that each of them are special, perhaps they are the most amazing person we could ever meet ... if we met, but we don't always get that privilege. A thought occurred to me as I lined up with several thousand runners at the starting line of the Bayshore Marathon last Saturday. Here I was in a crowd of mostly strangers and I realized that ... I was not taking them for granted, in fact, it felt strangely like they were my friends. The reality struck me that I knew some important things about each of them. I knew they had the guts to toe the marathon starting line and that they had set and accomplished a long term goal. They had managed their time, trained and lived, in at least some ways, similar lives as myself. We smiled, and made eye contact as we went through our pre-race thoughts and rituals. Not strangers but fellow runners sharing the road, sharing our pain and would soon, share our success.

Run forever my friend,

Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner, living a life... much like yours.

P.S.- Don't miss out on AMAZING Running Fit deals this weekend. Stop by the Dexter Ann Arbor Run expo on Saturday, May 31 at Skyline High School from Noon- 6 PM for a sweet apparel sale! Visit us at the Downtown Ann Arbor store Saturday and Sunday for 10-50% off STORE WIDE! (excludes Brooks)

P.S. - The Legend continues! Join us on August 2, 2014 in Laingsburg, MI for a 5mi, 10mi and 13.1mi trail run! Visit www.runlegend.com for more info!

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