Obsessed Runner Blog

2015-04-29 - Let me brag a bit

randy runningLet me brag a bit about the crew here at Running Fit Events and their dedication to creating the greatest running experience anywhere; events you can trust your hard training and goals to. They work crazy schedules, lots of 16 hour+ event weekend days in conditions that are often brutal. They go over every detail for months in advance, looking to find ways to make your experience the best it can be. They are passionate about our sport and all they produce, it is a labor of love and it shows in the outcome. Dawn, Mandy, Anna, Joanna, Gary and Ted are the full time essential players, each with a special set of responsibilities that create something much bigger than the sum of their parts, the magic of race day. I can tell you the reality is far from magic, it's true professionalism and a deep understanding of a quality event from start to finish that they have honed over time. I would be remiss not to introduce and brag a bit about our part time crew who take on the many tedious tasks with little glory, sorting, counting, packing, unpacking and digging out on the morning after. Thank you Jodi, Amy, Dan and Kim.

Visit rfevents.com for a behind the scenes peek.

Thank you crew,

Randy Step, an admitted thankful and obsessed runner who owes much to those around me.

PS: The list of dedicated volunteers would be as long as the praises they deserve but I thank you all.

PS: Yo run gang, It's that time of year again... Triathlon Season! New to the sport? Join Running Fit for a summer long Beginner/Intermediate triathlon training class at Island Lake State Park in Brighton, MI. Read more HERE, or register today HERE!

PS: Have some youngsters that are itchin' to try a triathlon? Join us for our June and July Youth Triathlon Clinics and our August Youth Tri. Registration is now open. Click HERE for more details! Click HERE to register now!

2015-04-22 - Boston Marathon

randy runningAnother Boston Marathon in the books with 30,000 runners thumbing their noses at terrorism and living life free and Boston Strong. The terrorists failed, we are not terrified. For all of us, every time we head out the door it is a victory, we show the world our great life in America won't be stopped. Kind of like saying, hey all you cowardice punks, you have already lost this war, perhaps you should quit wasting your time and energy and crawl back in your hole.

We run as one,

Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner who is proud of each and every one of you doing battle out on the roads and trails!

P.S. WE WANT YOU - ON THE BREW CREW! The Hightail to Ale is a serious Friday night party in Detroit. Join us May 14 or May 15 for some BEHIND THE SCENES action as a volunteer. Sweet shirt, one free beer on us, $30 voucher for a future RF Events' event... what could be better! Check it out.

2015-04-15 - Run ruined by routine

milemarksRoutine is a two edged sword, on one side it reduces the stress associated with the unknown and keeps us on the roads we know, allowing for a meditative run and a training experience we understand. On the flip side we mentally block our spirit of adventure and often end up with a ho hum middle of the road experience that leaves us wondering what we missed, a wicked stress of its own, one that can make us feel ... old. Bilbo Baggins comes to mind.

Are you squandering one of the precious days of your life on a run that will not be memorable, a run that keeps you from discovering who you are and who you might be? Or, are you heading out for an adventure, perhaps on a run that you might tell stories about until the end of your days! Yes, it might be awful but yes, it might be great but yes, it won't be blah.

Run off on a wild adventure,

Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner, who can't wait to see where, when and how I will run tomorrow!

P.S. This weekend over 2500 kids will toe the line at the Martian Marathon to finish the last 1.2 miles of their Marathon! Blue Care Network made this amazing Kids' Marathon possible, just like they make families and individuals confidence in their insurance plans possible.

P.S. Join us for a romp in the woods April 25 and 26 in Pinckney, MI at Trail Weekend! 5 Mile, Half Marathon, Full Marathon and 50K options!

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