2016-03-16 - Be one with the run

randy runningRunning seems to melt away anger, frustration and anxiety, bringing the mind back in sync with the body where all that seems to matter is moving, sweating and grooving into a fluid and efficient rhythm where we become one with our run. The run is like a filter that removes all that drags us down and leaves us clean and clear. We finish with renewed energy, energy that had been mired down by this complicated life.

Be one with the run,

Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner who often seems to barely crawl out the door for the daily run but always finishes like Kramer on Seinfeld, flying back in!

PS: For 29 years we've been putting on a brutal run on a 13.1 and 5 mile loop of wickedly hilly, rough single track trail around Hell, Michigan. Join us for the 30th running on April 23- 24. No cheering crowds, just wind in the trees. More at http://trailmarathon.com/

PS: "Trails in motion", the international trail running film festival will inspire and motivate you to run wild. Join us Saturday afternoon, April 23rd in Dexter, MI for this unforgettable experience. https://runningfitevents.redpodium.com/trails-in-motion-film-festival

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