2016-02-03 - The Obsessed Runner gives you his blessing, ha!

randy sunglassesI consider December and January the low key running recovery months of the year, a time not to race seriously and to enjoy the easy running load. With the first mild winter in 4 years it's been hard not to get excited about getting back to our fitness level a bit sooner than planned ... So be it, let's up the ante, permission is granted, let's "Kick Off" the season now and ramp up the mileage! The past 3 winters made it hard to be ready for early events like the April 9th "The Martian Invasion of Races", but not this year! Again, you have my blessing (Remember I'm an admitted obsessed runner so take this with a grain of salt) If you were considering running 5K, I say go for 10K, if you were thinking 10K, go half marathon, thinking half, think full! See http://martianraces.com/, sign up ... And say Yikes!

Everything to excess ... Even moderation!

Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner, who is breaking out of hibernation early!

PS: The Super 5K, this Super Bowl Sunday morning in Novi, is looking to have the best weather in its history ... perhaps warm enough that nobody will drop their Super 5K pint glass due to numb fingers - in fact, we will all be counting on it! The creative crew at RF Events is offering a challenge, if they don't hear one glass shatter inside Novi High School, everyone entered into the Super 5K will get a $3 off code to any of our events next year... So drop your glass outside! NOT! My guess, the odds no one drops a glass are about the same as the Lions being in the Super Bowl next year. Join us and see! It's not too late to enter the fun, see http://runsuperbowl.com/

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