2015-01-27 - If it's not fun, don't do it!

randy sunglassesWhenever we find ourselves stressing over some aspect of our running we should see this as an immediate red flag. We run to put fun and playtime back into this often stressful, adult life. When it comes to your running, as my friend John A. says, "if it's not fun, don't do it!" You set the rules, you can break and change the rules ... And should, whenever you want for whatever reason, or no reason! Unlike so many aspects of life, you totally control the power of playtime! Skip a run, OK, run twice in a day, what the heck. When you don't run what you perceived as your goal time at an event, take proud ownership of the time you did run. Never apologize for your run to anyone, especially yourself! Run good, run bad (No such thing), and finish with a well-deserved smile.

Run + Run = Fun,

Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner ... Who was stressing today because of a calf pain that tells me to take a day off. Stressing? RED FLAG! Take a deep breath and think ... Hey, I can take a nap in place of my run, or perhaps I'll go to happy hour!

PS: HUDDLE UP AND HELP OUT! Join us Sunday morning, February 7th at the Super 5K on the volunteer crew and receive a $30 credit toward a future RF Events' event!

PS: Calling all leprechauns! Join us for a fun and festive jog (with a cause!) around Ann Arbor on March 13, 2016 at the Shamrocks and Shenanigans 5K, 1K and Kids' Dash! Shamrocks and Shenanigans is a fundraiser for "Save A Heart" benefiting UM Congenital Heart Center at C.S. Mott Children's Hospital.

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