2015-12-30 - Everybody dies, not everybody lives

randy sunglassesI've heard that running ... like red wine, may not make us live longer. Actually, as I think about it, if I didn't run it might feel like life is dragging on forever, you get the point. I do get a kick out of sound bite news stories like the one I heard this week stating that sad people live just as long as happy people, perhaps a relief to somebody but again, it seems even more sad to me. To wind up what is, perhaps an almost pointless rambling of a nut-job runner, my favorite line is from my dear old dad, God rest his soul. As I returned from a long hard run and was sitting on the back step, looking wasted, he walked by and said, "You may not live to be 100, but it will sure seem like it!"

Run long, live fast and fun,

Randy Step, who should stop right here.

PS: Sign up for the Hightail to Ale 5K before January 1 to SAVE $5! A friday night keg party with a 5K warm up, May 6, 2016! Sign up for the entire Thirsty 3 Series and save a total of $10! CHEERS!
PS: Hey Hippies, Join us September 9, 10 and 11 in 2016 for 3 days of peace, music and running! Registration for Run Woodstock is NOW OPEN! A distance for everybody. Check it out here!

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