2014-12-04 - 3 Mile runs rock!

randy sunglassesYes, I'm returning to an old theme of mine, but due to the holiday season when time available to us to run is scarce, it's more relevant than ever. To some people a 3 mile run doesn't seem worth the effort. Is it worth the effort to dress, run and shower all for around a half hour of running? My answer is, "You bet!" The three mile run is highly underrated. Three miles offers a microcosm of all that I love about the sport. For me, mentally, it is easy to get out the door knowing I only have 3 miles to run. I take the first mile easy, break a good sweat, then stop to stretch a bit. The next mile I run at a good hard effort, about 5K pace. The final mile is an easy cool down. I run home, shoulders relaxed and at a comfortable pace. I have finished a run and feel fresh, awake, and alive. Like a day off only better, I haven't had to put a zero in my log! Tired of taking days off? Go 3!

Get 'R done,

Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner, that admits there are a bunch of 3 mile runs in my log!

P.S. Join us for a FUN 3(.1) mile run before the big game on Sunday morning, February 1, 2015! The Super 5K will earn you your spot on the couch as well as a custom medal, technical training beanie and finisher's pint glass! Hut, hut, register!

P.S. Join us at Running Fit Ann Arbor on Jackson Rd. all winter long on Thursday Nights from 6:00 pm to 8pm for Trainer Rides. Bring your bike, trainer, and a towel for beneath your bike and we'll have an Apple TV hooked up with Netflix, snacks and drinks. Cheers! Call Trevor at 734-436-2381 with questions.

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