2013-01-16 - Every Breath is a Gift
Yo run gang,
January 16, 2013

The yoga gang is big on focusing on being in the moment, forgetting what has happened or all that will happen and truly experiencing what is happening. It's a busy and complicated life we choose, rich with goals and experiences, a life that often requires an effort on our part to be in the moment.
Yoga does it with a visual point of focus and concentration on deep breaths and poses. From my yoga experience, as far as being in the moment, it works, stopping the endless chatter of the brain and getting down to basics, leaving me with what I call "the yoga buzz" that I enjoy.
Running, on the other hand lets me experience being in the moment by immersing me in the sights, sounds and smells of the world as I pass thought it. Feeling the wind on my face, the heat, the cold, and the wet, while using my muscles, core strength and firing the nerves that serve the brain-to-foot coordination, making it hard not to live in the moment. Amen! (As Webster defines it: Amen: Used to express solemn ratification (as of an expression of faith) or hearty approval (as of an assertion).) Yeah baby!
Run for the run,
Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner.
PS: Namaste! (Defined: I honor the place in you where Spirit lives. I honor the place in you which is of Love, of Truth, of Light, of Peace.)
January 16, 2013

The yoga gang is big on focusing on being in the moment, forgetting what has happened or all that will happen and truly experiencing what is happening. It's a busy and complicated life we choose, rich with goals and experiences, a life that often requires an effort on our part to be in the moment.
Yoga does it with a visual point of focus and concentration on deep breaths and poses. From my yoga experience, as far as being in the moment, it works, stopping the endless chatter of the brain and getting down to basics, leaving me with what I call "the yoga buzz" that I enjoy.
Running, on the other hand lets me experience being in the moment by immersing me in the sights, sounds and smells of the world as I pass thought it. Feeling the wind on my face, the heat, the cold, and the wet, while using my muscles, core strength and firing the nerves that serve the brain-to-foot coordination, making it hard not to live in the moment. Amen! (As Webster defines it: Amen: Used to express solemn ratification (as of an expression of faith) or hearty approval (as of an assertion).) Yeah baby!
Run for the run,
Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner.
PS: Namaste! (Defined: I honor the place in you where Spirit lives. I honor the place in you which is of Love, of Truth, of Light, of Peace.)