2012-03-28 - Diamond Days
Yo run gang,
As runners we learn the body is as strong as it is fragile, it can be trained and conditioned to run 26 miles and it can shrivel up and die from an invisible germ or cancer. The body is complicated, life is complicated ... Enjoy every healthy day and never take it for granted. Get out and run and enjoy, knowing how good it was and how good it can be will give us the strength to crawl and fight our way back when the dark days hit.
20 years ago, just after setting P.R's for just about every running and triathlon distance, my aortic heart valve stuck open, sending me into congestive heart failure. The valve was damaged by an infection I fought in childhood, damage that was unknown to me
until it failed. I had major reconstructive heart surgery, including some human transplant tissue, followed by some serious down time but eventually worked my way back to marathon shape. From the dark days I gained a greater appreciation of the diamond days ... like today! It's time to shut this computer down and head to the woods to hammer!
Do what you can do,
--Randy Step, an obsessed runner or obsessed rehab, PT, kind of patient, depending on what life decides to throw at me on any given day.
Martian Marathon - April 14 - Volunteer Now!
PS: We're looking for part time help at our west Bloomfield store.
E-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with your resume.