2024.10.16 - Run a mile when you have no time to

We all have days, weeks, even years when the world overwhelms us. Periods of our live that are all consuming, it’s not right or wrong, just reality. Family crisis, impossible work deadlines, medical nightmares, deaths, hurricanes … Tragedy is a part of life, it will find us. During these times we may go for days without a run. The run may stay out of reach, or for sure seem out of reach, but, getting out the door for just a mile or two may be an important part of mental survival, something that keeps you intact and able to function. Forget long runs, but enough to breath, and to be in a different moment, to feel the natural world. Like plugging in a phone at 8% for just a couple minutes and finding it at 40%. If you run yourself to zero, what you thought was the worst will surely be the worst. Take an unselfish few minutes to be of value to others.

Run when you’re sure you can’t,

Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner who writes this stuff to himself, because the concept is a difficult one to pull off during dark times.

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