2023.05.17 - Run now
So often, the time I plan to get in my run is cut short, by over sleeping, trying to answer that last email, or by some little crisis like looking for lost keys … When this stuff happens, I have a tendency to think about the rest of my days schedule to see when I might be able to fit in the time for the run distance I had planned. I do this knowing in reality that this is a busy and complicated life where time is precious and there is no time for a run unless it’s scheduled. Finding time later in the day is a fools errand. Better run whatever distance you can fit in, now.
Run now,
Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner who writes this midweek to my, often stupid, self.
2023.05.10 - Runs that Inspire
Two weeks ago, at the starting line of the Trail Marathon, I asked how many were running their first marathon. It is rare to see a hand go up due to the brutal nature of the hilly single track trail course. I was shocked when around 15 hands went up! This past weekend at the Island Time 24 hour trail run, I watched in awe of Josephine Weeden as she pounded out the miles, leading the field all day and night and hitting 100 miles in 23 hours and 5 minutes! Seeing what is possible, can no doubt, give others the courage to line up and try. This weekend the RF Events Crew will be in Detroit Friday night for the Hightail to Ale 5K, I will be announcing at the starting line, again, asking the field how many of them are first time 5K runners? It always gives me a chill and a thrill to witness these life changing events! Busy Friday? Join us!
Run, run, run, run, run,
Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner who loves what happens at the starting line, as much what happens the finish line. Dig it!