Obsessed Runner Blog

2011-11-16 - Kids Running!

As the running year winds down it's time to set our goals for next year to light the motivational spark that will keep us training through winter. The Martian Invasion or Races on April 14, 2012, offers every distance from 5K to the Marathon, commit now and give your off-season miles even more purpose. Enter at martianmarathon.com and your path will be lit.

That said, we can do the same for our kids, or friends with kids, by sending them to martianmarathon.com/kids where they can find the downloadable training guide plus a schedule in coloring book form. Last winter, over 1,000 elementary students logged 25 miles to earn a spot on the Martian Kid's Marathon starting line where they ran the last 1.2 miles of their 26.2 mile marathon journey.

Yes, they got the same medal as all marathon finishers and a marathon finisher's T-shirt but they also got to learn from experience about the commitment of long term goal planning and the success it can bring; there is no greater award we can offer today's youth as they go forth in life. Sign them up individually or get an elementary school club involved. Each year we do many full school assemblies to kick off their Martian programs, Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to find out more.

Also, check out runfitkids.com for another place to motivate your young runner.

Run with purpose,
Randy Step, an runner obsessed with making plans to keep the passion lit.

PS: Bring the kids to the mile at Dexter's Holiday Hustle to fire them up to run the Martian Kid's Marathon
Naughty or nice, walker or runner, come breathe in the December night air and give back to others. A silly, hilly out and back course that will take in the neighborhood light displays and give you a chance to see the flashing gang ahead or behind you!

Flashing gang? Yes! Register early and the first 500 get a choice of some flashing or jingling flare (to be picked up at packet pick up).

This charity event donates $5 of your entry fee to local Dexter charities. Bring canned or non perishable food items for the needy and get a raffle ticket for each item! Raffle items from Running Fit to include 2 $50 gift cards, 4 $25 gift cards, gloves, hats, bags and more!  
Volunteer Now! Holiday Hustle 5K

PS: Volunteer for the Holiday Hustle! December 3, Dexter, MI

On top of all the "thanks" and "you rock" you will get throughout the day, you also get an awesome volunteer shirt, a $30 coupon toward any Running Fit event (includes race shirt) and a great feeling for giving back to your sport! Volunteer Now!

2011-12-14 - Chill Out!

On the first cold days of winter you will find it easier to get out the door if you over-dress a bit. Start with a short loop where you can drop a layer once you feel out the weather.  After the loop, continue your winter runs into the wind, not fun, but knowing that at anytime you can turn your back to the weather and have a more comfortable run home can give the motivation to stick it out. Yes, many days we will just want to skip the winter run... but as always, you will be happy that you ran so don't think about it, just get out the door!

Must have winter run items:

Base Layer: A wicking base layer. A close fitting layer keeps out the draft and lets your body heat push the moisture away from you.
Balaclava: It keeps the wind off your ears and neck, making a huge difference in comfort.
Mittens: Often, gloves just don't cut it, you can always take off the mittens and hold them if you get too warm.

Stop into Running Fit, they'll dress you for success!

Run warm,

Randy Step, an obsessed runner who had a comfortable, empowering run on the trails this morning! Take that you nasty weather!


P.S Never know what to ask for for Christmas? How about Running Fit event entries!
Get what you really want this year with the Running Fit Event Wish List Registry!

Registering for your event wish list is easy! Simply fill out your registration information, select the events you would love to receive as gifts, and give us the e-mail(s) of your friends and loved ones who never know what to get you. We will take care of the rest!


Get Wishing, then get out and run!

February 3, 2010 - Out of Africa

Yo run gang,

Out of Africa, back to winter and back to work, yikes!

Nothing goes together like travel and running. What a great way to get your bearings and check out a new place. Yes, you need to be smart and alert in a strange place, but life without adventure they might as well throw the dirt on now.

The Super 5K is this 9 AM Sunday at Running Fit, Novi Town Center and so is the Super 5K sale that runs all weekend, see the info below. We have a big inside space to meet in before and after the run and the forecast looks good, join us! The junk food served post race will get you in the tailgate spirit and the finishers pint glass will earn you the best spot on the couch! Enter at www.runsuperbowl.com, or race weekend at Novi Running Fit.

February, yes, the dead of winter but the start of more serious training. For those of us planning on a long spring race, now is the time to start upping the mileage and running with purpose. In a few months the winter wimps will stand in awe as we step up to the line and speak with our feet!

Run tomorrow!

Randy Step, an obsessed runner excited to take it seriously

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