Obsessed Runner Blog

April 9, 2008 - The spring race season is truly upon us!

Yo run gang,

The spring race season is truly upon us, for those of you that slogged through the winter miles, its time to reap for the rest of us, its time get out and jiggle the fat!

Last weekend Mars attacked and the earthlings showed up in force, over 3,000 Green Planet runners hit the streets, a Martian Invasion of Races Record. Thanks for choosing Martian, and for all of your positive comments!

Saturdays Meteor 10K was stacked with the best running talent seen in Michigan in a while. 5 men went under a 5 minute per mile pace, yikes! As for the womens race, picture this, a 36:43 for a 10K gets 5th place, 2 women in the 34s! Smokin! Check out the results at www.martianmarathon.com.

The April 27th Running Fit Trail Marathon and Half Marathon will soon hit their entry limits, grab your spot today! As for Saturdays 5 mile Road Ends Trail Run, we dont have an entry limit so if you miss the cut on the long runs, come and join us for this very serious 5 mile run. Enter at www.trailmarathon.com.

Wow, I ask for tips on how to get motivated to do core strengthening and you came through big time. I have not had time to sift through the mountain of emails but promise to put the info online by weeks end. Ive read many and its already making a difference. Strength, flexibility and six pack abs are coming our way! Go to the menus on the left, click on training, then click on motivation

Get out the door ... Now!
Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner

Yo dirt runners,
South Eastern Michigan is blessed with a ton of great parks and great trails to run on. We need your help to keep them that way. Please join me on Sunday April 20th as I volunteer to work with the Michigan State Park Stewardship Committee. Well be havin a weed pickin' festival of garlic mustard and a pre slaughter run! Click here for more information.

June 3, 2009 - Packing my run gear today took all of 10 seconds!

Yo Run Gang,

Packing my run gear today took all of 10 seconds, as apposed to a winter morning where I go through every scenario of what I might need and end up packing a bag that looks like Im leaving for vacation. I love the simplicity of summer running, a minimal bag with shoes, socks, shorts and top. I also love the minimal laundry. One of lifes simple pleasures just got simpler!

On a less simple note, Im sure many of you are type As, who have a hard time with the speed limit, saying no to anything and not doing everything to excess Yet, we are attracted to a sport where patience is required at every turn. Patience needed while slowly building up our weekly mileage, while tapering for a race, while recovering from a race, while holding back the pace during the beginning of a race, while dealing with injuries and the list goes on . No real point here, just an observation, AS I PATIENTLY RECOVER FROM MY MARATHON, NOT RUNNING HARD OR LONG FOR A COUPLE WEEKS, AND TRYING NOT TO SHOOT MYSELF!

Of course, with my easy run schedule I have time to yes and to take on a new mission, and to trick I mean to encourage, other into joining me! Click this LINK if you want to get sucked in!

Enjoy every mile,
Randy Step, an obsessed runner with time to do more

October 13, 2010 - To the finish line!

Yo run gang,

So, how long will we continue to be runners? I always say, until they throw the dirt on!  As we age our pace and goals will change but the psychological and physical benefits of our running won’t. Yes we may be sidelined, nothing in life is a given but until or “if” that happens, we can continue to focus on the next day’s run … and the goal for our next race, yes, at any age! Seeing  Jim Forshee  battle with Dick Sarns in the 80 to 84 age group at the Bighouse Bigheart 5K, not to mention seeing finishers in the 85 -89 and 90-94 year  age groups proves my point!

I do have a habit of repeating the important stuff … It’s Free Press Marathon & Half Marathon this weekend in Detroit, a motivational and exciting time for the sport of running in Michigan. Even if you are not running, make the pilgrimage to the city, check out the race expo on Friday and Saturday (Visit the Running Fit booth!), and cheer on the Runner’s Sunday morning. You will find it to be a motivational, inspirational jolt for the future of your running life. Lastly, make sure you get in a run while you’re in the “D”!

Run till the end,

Randy Step, an obsessed runner … headed to the “D”!

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