2013-05-29 - Plan, run, race

Yo run gang,
May 22, 2013

Randy...Runners are creatures of habit, it goes with the territory. Consistency comes from having a plan, nobody has the time to sneak in a run in this busy life, it must be part of the schedule. Spontaneity is icing on the cake but it can't be our daily bread. This same mindset works into the event side of our running. Runners are good at maintaining traditions. Many of us have a list of certain events we run year after year, we know where to park, what to expect and can compare our fitness level over the years knowing the course and when we've done well, making it a much more rewarding experience.

That said, if your running is inconsistent or you are new to the sport, get out your daily planner and make a commitment to your runs, making them as much of a priority as the so called ... important stuff! In need of an event tradition? How about dressing as the Statue of Liberty every year and running 5 or 10K! cantonlibertyrun.com or go to runningfit.com/calendar and see what works into your calendar.

Plan, run, enjoy,

Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner, with appointments and races on my Google Calendar to prove it!

PS: Core Constancy! Yoga for the runner will move to 7:30 PM Tuesday nights at Northville Running Fit starting next week. Start a yoga tradition, your body will reward you! Register here. This week will be the final Thursday class, join us!

2012-01-12 - Where's Winter Hiding?

Going on 5 months of fall running, a gift! What a difference weather can make. So, now winter can't be more than another 60 days, we are now ready to handle anything mother nature throws our way and we'll be fast and fit come spring!

For those of you struggling along with your running, waiting for the magic to come, hang tough; like all good things, it does not come easy. The following is an excerpt from an email I recently received from a graduate of Running Fit's 101 class, it may help keep your fire lit, and get you to passionate runner level. 
"I'm one of the slowest runners on the planet, but have successfully completed several 5ks and my first few 10k's! I'm now training for a half marathon and am just so excited to finally understand why people think running is awesome. I just wanted to send you a note to say thank you! Running Fit has changed me in the best ways a person can be changed."

Share the passion,

Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner, still working the pied piper shtick!

PS: The motivation and information shared in a running class setting will take your running to the next level at a pace you can't hit alone.
 Running 101 for the beginning runner. 101 Info Here.
Running 201 in Northville will start January 19 and runs for 10 weeks. 201 Info Here.
Running 501 will take you to distances where higher math is needed to explain ... Like any good 500 level class! Running 501-West Bloomfield starts January 23 and runs for 18 weeks. 501 Info here.
PS: The Super 5K Volunteer Registration is now open! 
  Join us on February 5 in Novi as we kick off Super Bowl Sunday! Voluneer Now!
PS: Self-Defense Class!
Lee Shaykhet, former Russian special forces trainer, is offering a 90 minute class that will give you a lifelong feeling of personal security for about the price of a good massage. This fun, effective session will leave you with moves that will instantly become second nature to you!
Location: Running Fit: 5700 Jackson Rd, Ann Arbor
Class dates: 6:30 PM January 24 (Limit 15 people per class) $69!
Registration: click here
More info:   This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
PS: Life is too important to be taken seriously (quote credit goes to Victor S.)!
Join me on June 16th at the Canton Liberty Festival 5 and 10K... dressed as the Statue of Liberty! Seriously! Costume included with race entry! Stay tuned, more info to follow...