Crummy little race or is it?
The race registration line moved slowly as sun rose and the mercury hit the 80 degree mark. The start was 45 minutes late. They ran out of T-shirts for pre-registered runners, luckily it was a no brand 50/50 blend with some cheesy clip art and a bunch of poorly placed sponsor logos. The course was short, mile marks were in the wrong place, cars forced runners off the road and volunteers steered us the wrong way. Some guy was giving split times at the mile, nice touch, times that were off by 2 minutes. The early aid station ran out of water, the later one ran out of cups. The finish shoot was backed up and I was forced to stand in place as some guy puked on my shoes. They ran out of water at the finish area and the only food left was some green bananas. The results took hours to get posted, the times were off and the awards ceremony dragged on for an eternity. The award was a small medal with a wreath on it, no date, distance or information pertaining to the event. The entry fee was $20early.
We have all ran in a race with some or all of the above glitches. Could we have avoided entering such debacles? Sometimes. By just looking over an entry form you can usually get the idea of how the finished product will end up.
Try Snow Running!
Let it snow!
For the past couple years Ive been a snowshoein fool. As a runner I used to dread a big dump of the white stuff. Running in the cold is hassle enough, and then comes slush, ice and arch straining snow. As you know, Im not a cross training kind of guy. Im a pure in your face running fanatic, addicted as they come. When I first strapped on snowshoes it was just to be social on a northern Michigan weekend with friends. I expected the same experience I got from cross-country skiing, a sport that got me outside but out of my running element.
Snowshoeing, what a surprise! I was hammering away over hill and dale. Hopping rivers and ducking through the woods like a a snowshoe rabbit! The learning curve was about zero. I was just out for a run. Its a lot of work, like running on a beach or in shoe sucking mud but snowshoeing is running, good hard butt kicking running! I especially like hammering the downhills.