New Years Resolution Become A Runner!

Ready to give running a try or ready to try running, again? The major stumbling block to becoming a runner is time. Not finding time to run but the amount of time it takes to realize the results of your effort. It takes about a month for most people to become self motivated (Addicted, passionate?). The problem is, most people give up after a couple weeks because the results come slow. With a specific plan and determination, you can get there. Ill give you the tricks; you give it a month.

Running is and easy entry sport. All you need is a watch and a good pair of shoes. The initial investment should be less than $150 and even if you dont run, you will have comfortable shoes and wont be late. The watch is necessary because time, distance and speed are key to becoming addicted self motivated! You should get the shoes and watch at the local running shop, Running Fit! They will look at your feet, ask you about your goals and put you in shoes that will keep you injury free. The average price of a great pair of running shoes is around $90, give or take $20.

Read more: New Years Resolution Become A Runner!

Once a Runner

I, like many of you, am a product of the running boom. I refer to the running boom that took place between 1976 and 1985 when road running took off as a sport. The 40-50 year old age group is currently the largest age group of runners in every road race, 10 years ago it was the 30-40 age group, we just keep moving up. We are the running boomers. A new running boom has been taking place fueled by women new to the sport. I believe the new boomers will follow the pattern of the last boom.

Lots of trendy aerobic activities have come along since the beginning of the running boom and I believe us runners help fuel the numbers in each craze. Many of us took aerobics classes, bought mountain bikes, entered a spinning class, bought a kayak, dabbled in martial arts and climbed a rock wall.

Read more: Once a Runner