RF Events goal is to create and execute events that can live on in memory as the most significant moments in life, events where goals and dreams become reality, a tall order that we take seriously.
Yes, there are some cheesy and fun themes but behind the scene a detailed plan executed by our crew to insure a safe serious timed event that your training and hard earned entry fee will not be wasted on.
RFE does not chase the fads and promises not to put on flavor of the month, money grab, been there, done that runs. We believe in successful events that stand the test of time, events that can become memorable traditions for you, your family and friends.
You can expect a great value for your event dollar from RFE, our goal is to pay the bills, support charitable causes and make a modest and fair profit … so we can party like rockstars until the next race!
Your faithful event crew at RFE:Randy (The Head Goat), IronMandy, Baby Goat, Gare Bear, Swamp Dog, Christopher, Trevor, Yellow Dog, #UFN, Shady, Your Mom, Mother Fultcher and Speedy!
Unpaid Staff includes Kristy, Fit Janet, Ted & Joanne (The Purple Grays), Red Rider John, Wild Bill, Trail Dog, Mark the Beard, Bernard the Texan, The Admiral, Sue & Phil Wade, Dave & Lorri Walch, John & Margo Heebert, Sam Denominee (& family & friends), Ant and hundreds of the coolest people you will ever meet on planet earth.
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