Obsessed Runner Blog

2012-09-26 - Cool Morning Mist

Yo run gang,

We are fragile, we are invincible, we are warriors and we are pacifists, we run alone and we run as one ... I'd say this running gig gives us much of what we need, enough that we have some to share. Amen.


These are some lively days indeed, I wake up ready to run into the cool morning mist ... and fight the instinct to stop to rub my head on a tree, fall, bring it on! That said, join me Saturday Morning October 6th at Wiard's orchard in Ypsilanti as we run 5k or 10K through farms and fields at RUN SCREAM RUN! The perfect fall run through Michigan's number one horror theme park! OK, I admit, the reality is that is that it all seems cute, harmless and fun in the light of day, OK by me! We also run through the country fair with its corn maze, petting zoo and U-pick apples to round out a perfect fall color run! And yes, you can win prizes by having a great costume, running fast, or both! Enter today at runscreamrun.com.

Run Scream Run,

Randy Step, an obsessed runner diggin' the change of seasons ... and praying for Amy.

PS: A follow up on one of Michigan's premier athletes, Amy Gluck, who was struck by a truck while training just over a week ago: Amy seems to be trying to come out of the coma, she has opened her eyes a bit, moved her arm and may have tried to speak, all very goo
d signs but all so real and she is far from out of the woods. Your positive thoughts, prayers and support can only help. Thank you.

PS: For the runner who likes a good deal (All of us!) Running Fit is clearing out the warm weather gear this weekend! Deals to be had! The more you buy, the more you save on summer clearance items. 1 item 25% Off, 2 items 35% Off, 3 or more items 50% Off. All other apparel 10% Off. Select Shoes on Sale!. Heck, what a great time to shop  for summer stuff before joining Running Fit for its annual winter break & run trip, February 15th - 22nd!

2012-03-14 - Run Local!

RandyThe coldest winter in years followed by the mildest, perhaps we're being rewarded? All in all, I love Michigan, its seasons, great lakes, the running community and the hundreds of great running events available to us. Michigan makes it easy to commit to "Run Local"!

As for running local, what I call the "spring race season", started last weekend with the St. Pat's races. Sunday was a glorious day for Detroit's Cork Town event and for the Conner O'Neils & Running Fit Shamrocks and Shenanigans race in Ann Arbor. Thanks to those of you who ran in Ann Arbor, Running Fit will be writing a check to Mott's Children's Hospital for over $40,000! Grass root local events have a tremendous positive impact by creating healthy, active and fun days for us to come together as a community. In addition, a small amount from each entry fee from thousands of runners along with the donations of sponsors add up at these events, making serious contributions to important causes possible.

Fire up the family, get out the calendar and make some healthy weekend, activity choices, a bit of planning now will keep you motivated and excited for the running season ahead. You can start by scheduling the time this Sunday, March 18th for the Running Fit Triathlon expo. An informative,
free, fun, kick-off of the triathlon seasonExpo schedule, more info & RSVP

Run, smile, give and share,

--Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner, looking forward to writing a check to The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society after the Martian Invasion of Races and Fit 5K next month... and a few thousand dollar check for the upkeep of the trails in Michigan's State Parks after the Running Fit Trail Race weekend, and... The year is young!

PS: Some great LOCAL events next month
April 14: Dearborn, MI - Martian Marathon - 5K, 10K, 13.1, 26.2 - Kids 1.2 Mile
April 15: Ann Arbor, MI - Big House Big Heart - 5K, 10K, 1 Mile
April 21: Dexter, MI - Feet and Friends - 5K, 8K(5 Mile)
April 28: Novi, MI - Live Like Andi - 5K, 10K, 10Mile
April 28-28: Pinckney, MI - Running Fit Trail Races - 5, 13.1, & 26.2 miles, plus 50K (new this year), yikes!
PS: Volunteer Opportunities Abound!
Volunteer for any Running Fit event - get stuff!

DWD Green Swamp Dirt Crew - March 24 - Volunteer now! 

Martian Marathon - April 14 - Volunteer Now! 

2011-08-24 - Consistant and Calming

Are we still in Michigan? The weather and running have been glorious, a nice stretch just in time for the fall mileage build up for those of us training for one of the longer races.


Few things are as consistent and calming as the daily run in this inconsistent world. The housing and stock market boomed and we ran, the housing market and stock market crashed and we ran, the country continues to go to war and we continue to run. During our runs we have the option to contemplate solutions to the world's problems or to escape reality and enjoy playtime. Either way, we finish energized, focused and ready to take on the day! I'm outta here!


Run the world,


Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner contemplating life's biggest questions, what shoes to grab and what route to take!



PS - I'm getting ready to camp out on the land and set my soul free!

Join me for the most valuable runs (And classic rock) of the year the weekend of September 9th, see runwoodstock.com 

Run any or all of the weekend events, a great way to get in marathon training mileage or just a much needed hippy hike and perhaps a bit of Yoga... Peace Out.



PS - Labor Day weekend is the last chance for a summer race road trip!

How about the Cadillac 5K, 10K and Run, Bike Kayak Adventure Triathlon!

Running Fit will be there to time the event, stop by and say hi!



PS: Roadies Needed - Run Woodstock!

VanOn top of all the "thanks" and "you rock" you will get throughout the day, you also get an awesome volunteer shirt, a $30 coupon toward any Running Fit event (includes race shirt) and a great feeling for giving back to your sport!


Run Woodstock - Sept 9, 10, 11 - Pinckney, MI
Click here for more information on the Running Fit volunteer program and the online registration link for Run Woodstock or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

PS: Running Fit is looking for a few motivated and friendly folks who are passionate about running and fitness for part time help at our stores in Northville, Novi, and Ann Arbor. Part time usually is three to four shifts ( 4 to 6 hours) per week including some evenings and weekends. It is not a "get rich quick system", but it is fun work and we do have some great perks. For details please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

PS: United Bank & Trust, presenting sponsor of Big House Big Heart 5 & 10K this year, is trying to give away more money.
They'll donate $1.00 for every "like" on their Facebook page.  Please take the time to click the link below and "like" United Bank & Trust and help us meet the goal of $7500.  Please "share" and encourage the world to do the same!

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run mail, if it does not get your butt out the
door, click unsubscribe!
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