Obsessed Runner Blog

November 24, 2010 - Turkey Turpor

Yo run gang,

Black Friday shopping tip: Save your sanity and get out and run before you shop. You will be a calmer, more patient and critical thinking shopper who makes better buying decisions!

Toning Shoes?  Merit or marketing gimmick? I've mentioned them before but because we are asked this all the time ... We took the time to speak with local podiatrists, physical therapists and chiropractors for some perspective on this latest craze and got the same answer over and over again, that there is not one peer review article from medical professionals stating that these shoes have any effect on toning muscles.  What people feel is the rocker motion of the shoes, and the perception is they are working their muscles. There are many people looking for the magic pill that will make them younger, thinner, prettier, smarter, stronger, fitter, etc. The truth is, after buying toning shoes, many people get out for a walk or run, perhaps for the first time in years, what they feel is the benefits of a walk or run (something we already know) and credit the shoes. Another concern is the unknown, the possible long term negative effects of these shoes. Many of the major shoe companies are pushing for Running Fit to cash in on the craze but darn, we're taking the high road ... or else I would be writing a shameless plug ... One that might include a sexy backside photo!

Join us at the Holiday Hustle 5K and Mile run in Dexter 4:15 PM December 4th! The perfect family fitness holiday activity with tree lighting, Santa, ice sculptures under the stars. Enter at www.runholiday5k.com

Run, eat turkey, run, shop, run,

Randy Step, an obsessed runner ... betting the butts you see in the rocker shoe adds did not get that way because of those shoes!

June 9, 2010 - I'm Bluffin'!

Yo Run Gang,

Such a busy running life, my goal is to let you know about the coolest events this summer so you don't miss them. This weekend is the Running Fit "Sold out!"Flirt With Dirt trail run in Novi, for those that missed out consider joining us at the Legend 5 or 10 mile Trail run on July 31st. Do to the popularity and entry limits for trail events, you often need to enter early ... so enter now and enjoy a run in the wild at runlegend.com. I'm writing this from Devil's Lake in Wisconsin where I'm in the wilderness working (Ha) on our extreme premier trail series, "Dances With Dirt", the race is July 10th and makes a wonderful summer road trip. Rooms and camping available right at the start finish area at Devil's Head Resort. Enter at danceswithdirt.com. Yes, the short race 13.1 miles but you can even do it as a hike!
The T-Rex Tri series kicks off Wednesday July 23 with the Triceratops Triathlon followed by the Pterodactyl Tri July 21 and T-Rex Tri August 18th . These are perfect first timer events with a half mile swim, 12 mile bike and 5K run, yes, you can do this! A great midweek workout for the advanced athlete. The July and August races will sell out, enter now and get excited!  Runtrextri.com
The Red Carpet Run from the West Bloomfield Running Fit, Thursday August 12th , has all the glitz and glamour of a movie premier. A dress up run to strut your stuff on the red carpet! I just love this run, it gives me a chance to sweat in my tux! The website is as fun as the event, check out Redcarpetrun.com
I also like to sneak in some low key summer races in fun places like the Zoo. The Scleroderma 5 K Run and 2 Mile Walk Sunday, June 27 at the World-Class Detroit Zoo, Royal Oak, Michigan. Entrance fee for the 5K race includes an ALL DAY admission pass into the Detroit Zoo, all of the proceeds will benefit the Scleroderma Foundation Michigan Chapter, www.firstgiving.com/31stwalk
Do it all,

March 24, 2010 - Core Tricks

Yo run gang,

When the run is going well, keep going! Dont get hung up on your schedule or the distance you had planned to run. When the run sucks, head for home and try again tomorrow. Listen to your body during training runs But never listen to your body during a race, especially a long race!

I always tell people the cool thing about being a runner is that I never have to exercise! The truth is, as runners, our core needs attention Dang. I find it especially difficult to get in a core workout while Im increasing my mileage, Im too beat up at the end of my runs to consider more work. I go to this link when I need motivation to work the core, it is the tips you all once sent me! CLICK HERE FOR CORE TRICKS!

Yikes! The Martian Invasion or races is 2 weeks from Saturday! We are in need of some pre race volunteers on Thursday April 8th and Friday April 9th allowing you to still run on Saturday, or to volunteer even more! Remember, when you volunteer at a Running Fit race, you get a $30 credit to use for any of our events along with a cool shirt and occasionally other swag, not to mention entry to our wild volunteer run and party in June! Play hooky, have fun, volunteer!

Run, volunteer, run,

Randy Step, an obsessed runner who loves it when he gets to pass his house at the end of a run and keep on going!

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