Obsessed Runner Blog

2017-03-22 - Get back at it

anna mountainsHey all, Baby Goat here, Randy's youngest 'kid' stepping in for some midweek motivation.

When the phone rang and my dad asked me to write the Obsessed Runner this week I couldn't help but feel a little unworthy, my running schedule has gotten off track, and I'm not feeling particularly qualified to motivate the masses today! So I'm here to inspire and motivate myself right along with you... Let's get back at it!

Every year on my birthday I run my age in miles. Nobody is forcing me into this, it was just something I got into my head a few years ago and my early spring birthday has been a great motivator to get out the door all winter. 2017 however, has been kicking my butt. I've been sick, trying to sell a house, playing catch up at work... you know, LIFE stuff. For the last few weeks I've been stressed, upset, and worried... all over a fun birthday tradition. I was lamenting to my birthday run partner about how my training wasn't where it should be and she said "It's birthday run. You shouldn't stress about it. It's your birthday!" Oh, duh.

And so, I cut my 29 miles to 29K and I'm still getting my butt out the door. I think the same thing should apply to ALL of our running. When it isn't going how it should, don't give up, stop beating yourself up, then get out there and do something!

Get back at it,

Anna, an admittedly not-quite-as-obsessed runner who is getting up tomorrow morning and putting in 29K... and will be proud I got out the door!

PS: ¡Olé! Join us for a Cinco De Mayo celebration like no other! Once every 7 years the Hightail to Ale 5K will fall on this festive holiday! Be there May 5, 2017 in Detroit, MI for a beer filled afterparty with a 5K warm up!

2015-03-15 - The Obsessed Runner is bragging again

randy trackLet me brag a bit.

Let me brag a bit about the crew here at Running Fit Events and their dedication to creating the greatest running experience anywhere, events you can trust your hard training and goals to. They work crazy schedules, lots of 16+ hour event weekends in conditions that are often brutal. They go over every detail for months in advance, looking to find ways to make your experience the best it can be. They are passionate about our sport and all they produce, it is a labor of love and it shows in the outcome. Dawn, Mandy, Anna, Joanna, Trevor, Gary, Jodi and Ted are the full time essential players, each with a special set of responsibilities that that create something much bigger than the sum of their parts, the magic of race day. I can tell you the reality is far from magic, it's true professionalism and a deep understanding of a quality event from start to finish that they have honed over time. I would be remiss not to introduce and brag a bit about our part time crew who take on the many tedious tasks with little glory, sorting, counting, packing, unpacking and digging out the morning after. Thank you Dan, Nancy and Kim. A special thanks to Jeff for bringing our events closer to our Zero Waste goal, and thanks to all of you for supporting our nonsense!

Run forever,

Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner who is blessed. Visit rfevents.com/calendar for a peek at what we do.

PS: Beat the trail price increase! Trail prices go up Friday, March 17th. If you haven't taken a spin on the Potawatomi Trail in Pinckney, MI we highly suggest you do... on April 29th and 30th for the 31st Annual Trail Marathon Weekend! Road Ends 5 Mile, Trail Half and Full Marathon and 50K! You're in for a trail treat with this one! trailmarathon.com
PS: ¡Olé! Join us for a Cinco De Mayo celebration like no other! Once every 7 years the Hightail to Ale 5K will fall on this festive holiday! Be there May 5, 2017 in Detroit, MI for a beer filled afterparty with a 5K warm up!

2017-03-08 - I hate running!

randy flowersRecently, I've come across two tongue-in-cheek articles by passionate runners, explaining how they hate running. Cute lines like, "I even have 3 pairs of my favorite running shoes that I hate to run in" and, "I usually hate running 5 days a week but shoot for 6". Both articles ended the same, explaining that the worst thing about running is the fear that one day, running might not be an option and how would they go on. The love/hate relationship is hard to explain, but love song lines like," I love you so much that it hurts", resonate with us all. The most difficult things in life give us so much in return, we learn who we are and who we might be. Nothing good comes easy is a reality, we only truly appreciate the things we work for.

Let's get out and get in some hard earned miles, miles that will take us above the astral plane,

Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner who is about to head out for an awful run in the wind and cold, and can't wait!

PS: Want to walk the Martian Marathon for FREE?! Click HERE for more details and please pass along to anyone you think would be interested!

PS: ¡Olé! Join us for a Cinco De Mayo celebration like no other! Once every 7 years the Hightail to Ale 5K will fall on this festive holiday! Be there May 5, 2017 in Detroit, MI for a beer filled afterparty with a 5K warm up!

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