Obsessed Runner Blog

2019-02-20 - The run upstages the weather!

The RF Events Crew on yesterday's sun, fun run!

It doesn't take much, sunny, 20 degrees, no wind, decent footing and the run takes center stage, not the weather! No doubt the pure crap days make my comments about today's run ring true. That said, we are over the hump as far as winter, in a couple weeks it will be time to ramp things up and stick to a plan that will get us to our goals. Here are some schedules to get us ready for the Martian Invasion of Races on April 13th, take a look at what seems realistic and jump on board! If you are thinking you wont be quite ready for 10K, sign up for 5K and plan on run/walking but getting out there and getting it done! Commit today, a race looming ahead will give you that extra push out the door!

Yikes, you can do this!

Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner who also suggests getting your fire lit by joining us for a running film festival on Saturday afternoon, March 9th. The inspirational films and incredible cinematography showcased at the Trails in Motion Film Festival will work magic on our inner runner. I'll be introducing the films and we'll head out for a beer after, join me!

2019-02-13 - Run THROUGH it

anna winter(to the tune of We're Going on a Bear Hunt)

We're going on a winter run!
We're gonna log some big miles!
What a beautiful day!
We're not scared.

Uh oh! SNOW!
Deep, slushy snow!
We can't go over it.
We can't go under it.

With a little preparation a snowy run is the perfect addition to your training... Think of it as a totally unexpected bonus! Layer up your moisture wicking clothing, throw on some traction devices and get your butt out the door. The varied footing of snowy miles work your ancillary muscles and connective tissues to enhance your balance and stability, making you SUPER STRONG... stuff you can't get on a treadmill! When the spring run season hits you'll be totally prepared and you'll get to skip that getting "back" in shape phase!

we've got to go through it,
Baby Goat (Stepping in while the Goat works his ancillary muscles on the sandy beaches of Jamaica), an admittedly
not quite as obsessed runner who will be humming about deep, slushy snow while I strap on my Yak Tracks tonight!

P.S.: After you get out for your snowy bonus run... Set a spring goal! The Martian Invasion of Races presented by Blue Care Network on April 13, 2019 will inspire you to dream of your finish line moment as you head out the door each day. Commit, train, SUCCEED in the 5K, 10K, Half Marathon, 26K Combo or Full Marathon... you can even recruit your favorite young runners for the Kids' Marathon!

2019-02-06 - Running sucks.

randy super5k2018 2Monday had me feeling tired and low after a long but rewarding Super Bowl Sunday, a day that started with a 4:30 a.m. alarm to help put on the Super 5K and ended with me on the couch, late in the evening, toasting Tom Brady and the Patriots. I headed out on my run into a very gray, 45ºF day with an icy rain on muddy, shoe-sucking, flooded trails. I got in what was, for me, 5 very tough miles.

On days like these, it takes what seems like a super human effort to drag ourselves out the door. But we head out anyway, knowing that we have chosen a difficult and extreme sport, in fact, a sport that is considered punishment in other sports. We get it, actually. It's the reason we run. I left the house in a bit of a depressed funk and returned feeling heroic. Yes, a hero only to myself, but a powerful lift in my spirits, more than any drug could match.
May we get out the door forever,
Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner who knows that running sucks, and that's fine by me.

P.S.: Shake off your own gray, 45ºF funk by setting a spring goal! The Martian Invasion of Races presented by Blue Care Network will inspire you to dream of your finish line moment, or that COSMIC GLITTER finisher's medal, as you head out the door each day. Commit, train, SUCCEED in the 5K, 10K, Half Marathon, 26K Combo or Full Marathon... you can even recruit your favorite young runners for the Kids' Marathon!

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