Obsessed Runner Blog

2022.07.27 - The Guilty Run

randy sticksAs I’ve mentioned, I write this midweek run mail mostly to myself, addressing the current concerns of my running, hopefully striking a chord with you. So lately, I find myself heading out on my runs with a feeling of guilt. My to do list is endless and with the economy in a bad state, going for a run while the world seems to be burning has me feeling that I’m stepping away from the fire rather than fighting it. I know, I know, skipping the run will cause another kind of guilt that will keep me from attacking the other problems with a clear focus. (Can you guess I went to a Catholic school?) So, the run is not running off and ignoring the fire, the run is more like going to get a hose to put out the fire. The run is my tool, it will bring me closer to the solution to the problem, not and escape. The run will clear my head and give me the focus and energy that I did not have before I headed out that door.

Got a problem, get your butt out the door, problem solved!

Randy Step, an admitted runner who needed that little talk.

2022.7.20 - Don't miss the best runners in the world

Randy Racing GearThe Track and Field World Championships are taking place in Eugene, Oregon as I write this. Eugene is the running capital of the USA, where every track meet at University of Oregon’s Hayward Field is a sellout, season tickets are priceless, and the football team plays a distant second fiddle to running. Got to love Oregon! A highlight, 3 American women placed in the top 10 for the marathon, all running low 2:20’s with Sara Hall leading the way in 5th place overall in 2:22:10. If you have not been following the meet, perhaps check out a replay of a distance event on YouTube to be inspired, like the women’s marathon or the men’s 10K where American Grant Fisher placed 4th in 27:28. As runners, we can relate to the best in the world on some level. What they are doing is what we do, that is, to train, to race, and to challenge ourselves. We are not armchair athletes, we do it, we get it! Enjoy!

Got to remember to respect the heat and humidity, it slapped me around pretty good today. Ouch. Run smarter than me,

Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner, and a runner, just like you!

2022.07.14 - Run and suffer

Randy Racing GearAt the end of a long run that goes well, I get a feeling like I won the lottery. Most times I head out for these runs with such intrepidation, knowing from past long runs, that so often they end up ugly and that chances are slim that it’s going to be fun, not to mention, how brutally hard the long run can get. Any sane person who reads what I just wrote is thinking, why the hell do this at all? Fortunately, we know that ugly or gorgeous, the satisfaction we get when the long run is over is always sweet, and unfortunately, the only way to get to that sweet spot is to suffer.

Suffer well my running family!

Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner who had a rare good long run this morning with just the perfect mix of pain, fatigue and glory. On another note, I know on a beautiful summer day who can think of booking a trip to Jamaica in January? The fact is without planning, nothing happens. Join me in Jamaica for a week of running, walking and laying around! We have 24 going so far, 3 more rooms available! Learn more HERE.

More close to home, come out and camp this weekend. We’ll get in walks, runs, swims, bike rides or whatever, then sit around a fire. All camp fees are donated.

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