Obsessed Runner Blog

September 30, 2009 - I'm a sucker for information!

Yo run gang,

Like most of us, Im a sucker for information that supports the things I do in life. For example, after reading some article on a study that extols the benefits of drinking red wine, Im quick to repeat this information like its the gospel. When it comes to positive info on running, Im like a fuller brush Christian, knocking on doors and spreading the word! This week I heard a news blurb about a study showing that joints get creaky in old age because the synovial fluid dries up over time, and that by being a runner, you lessen this loss, the body compensates by increasing the fluid. It stated that on average, a 50 year old runner has the fluid levels of a sedentary 38 year old. Dont ya just love this stuff? It gets me out the door!

Please join me and be one of the 12,000 runners at the Big House Big Heart Run this Sunday! Enter at www.bighousebigheart.com! Well party together on the field of the UM Big House when we finish!

Run well, be well,
Randy Step, and obsessed runner with the knees of a much younger man!

Run 'n' Grill in the 'ville...with Brooks!
Why eat and run when you can run and eat AND try out some cool new shoes! Come on out to the Northville Running Fit this Thursday night @ 6:30pm for our weekly Run 'n' Grill! That's right - we cook for you while you're out running and it's FREE! This week Brooks will be joining us, and bringing out some shoes for y'all to take for a test run!

What's the catch??? There isn't one except no run, no eat! That's right ya gotta earn those calories! The group heads out around 6:30pm (which, for some reason beyond explanation, is actually around 6:40pm here in Northville). Mileage for the run varies (between 4 and around 8 miles) and paces vary.

So show up and RUN and EAT with Brooks and the crew at the Northville Running Fit this Thursday night! We'll leave the grill on for ya!

2011--6-15 - Work hard to feel bad!

The weekly long run is always an adventure, never knowing how we'll feel in the late miles, the valuable miles! All the running before the fatigue hits are necessary but the miles that start to hurt are what we came for, the good stuff! These painful miles are where the body learns to store more glycogen and better utilize oxygen, the training effects we're looking for. Savor the pain, and get excited when it hits, you worked hard to feel this bad, the rewards will come!

The passion for running that is shared by the crew at Running Fit shows in everything they do, from the products and services they provide in the stores to the incredible events they produce. Memorable events that let us put our hard work and training to the test. A new one to put on your calendar is the "RUN SCREAM RUN!" 5K and 10K on Saturday morning, October 22nd. Racing in costume while being chased by a demon with a chainsaw may get you a new PR! Wiard's Orchard in Ypsilanti, voted as the number one horror attraction, will be the ideal setting for this event! Costume divisions and Zombie divisions (Costume not required but you will placed in the uninfected division, being chased down by the infected Zombies! Super discounts to Wiard's attractions for all participants. See runscreamrun.com and wiards.com.

Run, scream, finish, smile,

Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner looking for company to join in his misery ... and ultimately, success! 

July 7, 2010 - Back Off!

Yo Run gang,
When running alone I would run through scenarios in my head of some idiot or lunatic assaulting me and how I would respond .. in these day dreams, me, a scrawny runner dude, would throw a sucker punch and the bad guys would run off ... sure.  As runners we all have stories, I've been yelled at and have had beer cans thrown at me from rednecks in trucks and I've had a confrontation with a guy on a mountain bike threatening to beat me up the next time I run on the trail in the same direction that he rides. In most cases I was smart and did not yell back ... but a couple times, when I knew the terrain well ... I've had to put the hammer down and make some quick moves to escape. Dumb.
I've considered taking a self defense class but the ones I've seen all seemed hokey, until I met this character Lee Shaykhet, a smart dude who once trained special forces in the former Soviet Union, a guy I would call the real deal. I met Lee in the store while he was in town teaching defensive moves to a local police department. Everything he said about self defense made sense in a way I have never heard before. Since, I have had a bit of training with Lee and I can tell you it gives instant confidence. When you encounter a situation, you will naturally respond the way you are trained. Lee's training is simple, smart and unbelievable effective,  the simple moves he demonstrated and the common sense suggestions on how to react will stick with me forever. It's a truly liberating feeling.
I'd call this a shameless plug but it's something I believe can change your confidence in a way you might not have imagined. Lee has agreed to give a group session on Thursday July 15th from 6:30 PM - 8PM at Running Fit at 5700 Jackson Rd. The class is limited to the first 20 to RSVP to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. The introductory price for this training is $70, you can pay at the register on class night. I see it as a lifetime of confidence for about the price of a good sports massage. Make that 19 spots available, I just signed up my daughter! Did I mention, besides being deadly serious, this class is actually fun and entertaining!
Randy Step, a scrawny little obsessed runner, you don't want to mess with!

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