Obsessed Runner Blog

July 2, 2008 - Good Pain vs. Bad Pain

Yo Run Gang,
Good Pain vs. Bad Pain

Good Pain: When the mileage is high and youre out there running near the edge where life is full of color, you may wake in the morning with the creaky achy body of a person twice your age. It might be a little knee pain, heel pain, shin, hip, groin or back pain or it might be a bit of all of them. As you warm up and get moving through your day the body smoothes out and for the most part, the pains disappear. These are the good pains! Its OK to get out and run but perhaps its time for an easy day or day off, Id even suggest a bit of ice on the troubled spots. Ice is the miracle drug, a couple minutes of ice on a specific spot and its like a couple days of healing and rest, without the rest! Take the time to ice.

Bad Pain: You are out on the run and a slight pain develops anywhere. As you continue to run the pain seems to be increasing. You feel it out for a bit to make sure its not just some phantom, fleeting pain that goes as quick as it came but a pain that is increasing as you continue to run is nothing to ignore, were talking bad pain. Once you are sure this pain is real and getting worse, bail on the run, find the quickest way home, ice the area of concern and take 2 or 3 days off cold turkey. This maneuver may save you weeks off. For a runner, bailing from a run and getting off schedule may seem more painful then this small increasing pain, especially if your out running with friends or worse, running in a race but this is the time to be smart And at the time, you will hate yourself for being so smart but not nearly as much as you will later hate yourself for being dumb and running further into the pain. Damn, these one day awesome then next day fragile bodies.

Run smart,
Randy Step, a limping obsessed runner that knows, those that cant do, write, teach and coach!

2011-12-28 - You Yourself


Yo run gang


When we take ourselves to our own personal physical limits... and beyond... only we can judge the accomplishment, only we know the barriers we have broken. Sure, others can see our finish times in events or may even share a break-through run side by side with us, but on any given day the effort we put forth, regardless of the finish time, can only be measured by us.

That said, to be motivated to be our best, we must be our own cheerleaders. What others observe and comment about our running accomplishments can boost the ego to some extent, but what counts deep down and will take us to the next level is what we ourselves have witnessed.


Run as only you can,


Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner on the journey with you into the New Year.

PS: Upcoming Classes!
Running Fit 501 is starting a session in West Bloomfield, details to follow...
Running 201 in Northville will start January 19 and runs for 10 weeks. More Info Here.
PS: The Super 5K Volunteer Registration is now open! 
  Join us on February 5 in Novi as we kick off Super Bowl Sunday! Voluneer Now!
PS: Self Defense Class: The perfect New Year's Resolution, to gain self confidence and a new awareness of where you run.
Lee Shaykhet, former Russian special forces trainer, is offering a 90 minute class that will give you a lifelong feeling of personal security for about the price of a good massage. This fun, effective session will leave you with moves that will instantly become second nature to you!
Location:  Running Fit Ann Arbor West, 5700 Jackson Rd 
Class dates: 6:30 PM, January 10 (Limit 15 people per class)
Cost: $69
More Info: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
PS: Running Fit is teaming up with Michigan's State Parks for a Shoe Year's Day Celebration!
Join us on New Year's Day at 11 AM for an hour walk, hike, run or wander! Start the new year with a head-clearing hour in the great outdoors. We'll finish up with healthy snacks around the campfire. Bring family, friends and a story to tell. If you can bring some canned Tuna for Gleaner's Food Bank, it will be appreciated! Two $50 Running Fit gift cards will be given out randomly at each of these parks, Island Lake, Maybury and at Eddy's Discovery Center at Waterloo. Join us, I'll be at Island lake!

May 14, 2008 - As runners we often get hung up with the training schedules...

Yo run gang,

As runners we often get hung up with the training schedules, mileage charts, calorie intake, and all sorts of other numbers as we prepare for a big event. Once off schedule, from injury, family crisis or whatever, we can get discouraged or depressed as we try to get back on schedule. Cramming for the exam is not the answer! The reality is, once off schedule, the schedule becomes obsolete. Trash it and write a new one based on the time you have now. The only important aspect of this new schedule is that you have confidence in it and believe it will work. Use what you know. I did. I just missed 7 days of running the third week out from my marathon, including the last long run. If I taper the next two weeks, Im sure Ill be loosing some fitness. Taking into consideration that now I am healthy and injury free, Ive decided to put in a fairly heavy week of mileage including a midweek long run, just a week out from the race. Ill follow this with a one week taper. Will this work out? Not if I dont believe it! But I do! No more concerns, its my new reality, now I can enjoy my marathon countdown schedule rather than worry. My training is fulfilling and fun again!

Enjoy every healthy day, rain or shine,
Randy Step, an obsessed and happy runner

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