Obsessed Runner Blog

2011-11-12 - Choose wiisely...

Yo run gang


When it comes to a healthy lifestyle, set yourself up for success. Examples:

  • A long weekend in Vegas or one hiking in Yellowstone.
  • A dinner out at _________(Insert the restaurant here that you will certainly make an unhealthy choice at) or __________ (Insert a restaurant you will surly make a healthy choice at.)
  • A long walk after dinner with friends or cigars and after dinner drinks.


Most often, the healthy choice is not a difficult one to make and not a lesser choice at any level.

That said, come January, we will all be in need for a winter break and a 7 day trip to the Caribbean with Running Fit will be the perfect choice! An all inclusive resort with 5 great restaurants and 10 bars gives us plenty of opportunities make additional great choices when we get there! A perfect vacation for you and your non-running/walking family and friends, they don't even have to get up before we are back from our morning walk/run. The Jammin' 5K and 10K run/walk will give us a great vacation midweek goal to shoot for. Limited space, choose wisely today! More Info, click here!


Free Press Runners, enjoy the taper! Remember, only short, fast-paced runs from now until the race, they call it "sharpening". The quick little runs will make your weekend pace feel slow and easy.


Everyone else, get out and run, run, run,


Randy Step, an obsessed runner who promises to taper this week ... even if it kills me.


PS: Volunteer for Run, Scream, Run!

On top of all the "thanks" and "you rock" you will get throughout the day, you also get an awesome volunteer shirt, a $30 coupon toward any Running Fit event (includes race shirt) and a great feeling for giving back to your sport! 


Run Scream Run - Oct 22 - Ypsilanti, MI

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September 8, 2010 - Full Moon

Yo run gang,
I just returned from a blustery, beautiful run down a country dirt road, for me, it was perhaps as good as it gets. Keep those priorities in order and get out the door, I'm sure you will be a better person for it so, no excuses!
Last week I talked about speed, a term relative to the runner, for some, it may be running your first full mile without walking, finishing in 13 minutes, a personal record! Your P.R.! The next goal might be 2 miles or to aim for your first 5K race. A good first time choice would be the Big House Big Heart run on October 3rd. There will be lots of walkers so no matter what, you won't be intimidated. Take the plunge and enter at bighousebigheart.com . Finishing on the 50 yard line of the Bighouse is way cool, they also offer a 10K!
Speaking of speed and goals, we'd like to congratulate a member of the Running Fit Novi Crew, Doug Goodhue. Doug met his goal this weekend when he ran the 20K American Record for men, 65 - 70 years old, running two back to back 40 minute 10Ks for a time of 1:20:05. We are proud and lucky to have the fastest over 65 guy in the US on staff, not only fitting shoes and inspiring new runners but also as a coach for our 501 half marathon/marathon group! See runningfit501.com
Self Defense class is coming to the Northville store at 6:30 PM - 8 PM, Tuesday September 14th. The class is limited to the first 15 who click here to sign up! The class reviews have been great and the sense of security you get by being trained will give you a lifetime of peace of mind. Great stuff! Class Fee is $70.
Last but not least, have you ever ran a night trail run? At Run Woodstock, a Friday night 5K and Saturday night 10K are only a couple of the many weekend runs offered. The event is September 24-25 ... just after the full moon! You need a weekend like Run Woodstock, notice how I keep repeating the important stuff? Runwoodstock.com . Yes, you can run the half marathon then head out and do the 5 mile course to get in 20 on trails, three weeks out from the Free Press Marathon. You can also run 20 road miles the same day on Hines Drive; click here for details
Run on down, run on down, run on down, run on down a country road ...

March 19, 2008 - I love and hate my Garmin 205!

Yo run gang,

I love and hate my Garmin 205, just like any good coach I suppose. I sure miss logging my miles using a fudge factor to tally them. Lets see, a 40 minute run, 5 miles sounds about right today, it felt like 8 minute pace; thats how it used to be. Now, on a windy day with some bad footing I look down at 40 minutes figuring an 8 minute pace effort only to see its hardly a 9 minute pace and I have at least 5 minutes to go before the 5 mile mark. Who ever guessed it would take technology to make me an honest man? I sure miss the days when running for a longer time meant logging more miles!

Get out and run!
Randy Step

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