Obsessed Runner Blog

2012-08-01 - Your precious time

For those of us who don't normally watch TV, it sure is odd to be sitting in front of one watching the fittest people in the world compete in the Summer Olympics at sports we know little or nothing about, but here we are, and loving it!

For many of us runners, our sport is mostly personal, we follow our own progress,  training and personal records, not the athletes at the top of the game, but here we are during the Olympic year, learning their names, the hardships and training they have gone through to be on the world stage, and cheering them on like personal friends.

Time is precious during the games; polish your time management skills and get the run in. I won't take any more of your precious time!

Run, watch, learn, run,

Randy Step, an obsessed runner who can't wait for the distance running to begin!

March 17, 2010 - The spring race season is open!

Yo run gang,

The St. Pats runs are a sure sign the spring race season is open. Im sure many of you took advantage and shook out the winter legs. Whatever pace you ran, it should only excite you to know that you will get faster as the season wears on, but only if you stay pain free. Run smart! Dont run into increasing pain on a run, just bail, there is no room for ego in this sport. Remember, ice is the miracle drug, post run, take the time to ice even the smallest twinge, especially the ones that only hurt in the morning and go away as you warm up and run. Ice works (I repeat the important stuff!)

For those of you who are into the barefoot running debate, check out this link, I love this stuff, its better than reading a novel! http://www.podiatry-arena.com/podiatry-forum/showthread.php?t=43282

How come every time I head out in new running shoes, I find mud?

Run Smart,

Randy Step, an obsessed runner who hits every puddle!

2011-06-22 - Time to Train!

Thinking fall marathon or half marathon? If you seriously want this to happen, this is the week to commit! (My Marathon Justification speech might help!)

We are 15 to 17 weeks out from most of the fall races. If your current long run is at least 6 miles, the marathon is within reach, you can all be ready for a fall half. The best way to stay motivated is to enter NOW, then tell everyone that you are doing it, Yikes!


Check out the Training Guide and Half & Marathon Training Schedules. (On the schedule, just count the weeks back from your target event and jump on.)


Hot tip, sign up with Running Fit's 501 Marathon and Half Marathon Training Group and increase your chances of marathon success dramatically!


Note: The training manual refers to the full marathon but it all applies to the half too.


Note: We are 11 weeks out from the Run Woodstock Half Marathon & Marathon, the weekend after Labor Day, consider a run on the trails, it's good for your rock and roll soul!


You can do this,


Randy Step, an obsessed runner, who has already signed up for a full fall marathon!

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