Obsessed Runner Blog

March 18, 2009 - Consider a trail race.

Yo Run Gang,

The trails are back! Winter has been holding the trails hostage for the past month, locked down with several inches of solid ice. Trails, a great, healthy choice, easy on the mind, easy on the body, without the dangers of traffic and breathing in un-burnt hydrocarbons. There is a bit of frost heave and mud this time of year and even a runner can have some impact on the trail surface so look for well drained high and dry trails. I do find that running when the ground is soft can actually flatten out bike ruts and improve the trail for when it gets dry and hard. Run smart.

As you plan your event schedule, consider a trail race, better yet, make trail racing the focus of this years calendar! I find a difficult trail run mentally refreshing, no worries about pace and time Im often fulfilled by just finishing! Check out www.danceswithdirt.com, www.trailmarathon.com, www.runflirt.com, www.runlegend.com, www.runvasa.com, and a website that should be up and running by next week or when the vibes are right, www.runwoodstock.com.

Run wild,
Randy Step, a runner obsessed with the wilderness

April 16, 2008 - Does it get any better, cool mornings, glorious days

Yo run gang,

Does it get any better, cool mornings, glorious days I feel an overuse injury coming on!

Seriously, there is no cramming for the exam in running; the only way to get in long run shape injury free is to creep up the miles. I know the roads and trails are calling but I believe the 10% rule is golden. If you ran 20 total miles last week, this week should not be over 22. The weekly long run can be bumped up about a mile per week. Do you have time to get ready for that half marathon in June? Do the math.

Spring, shoe time Running Fit is offering a great deal for you neutral runners, Asics Cumulus $85, on sale for $67.99 and Asics Nimbus $120 on sale for $85.99. (Neutral? High arches, no motion issues, very cushy shoes.)

Trail race last call! The April 27th Running Fit Trail Marathon and Half Marathon will be filling with no late entry! The Road Ends 5 Mile trail run on April 26th will not be limited.

Please consider joining us for an afternoon in the woods and a free Weed Whacker T-shirt this Sunday, April 20th, 1 PM 4 PM as we volunteer to pull an invasive weed at Pinckney Recreation Area. Optional 5 mile trail run at Noon! This starts at Half Moon Lake! The event is free, but you must pre-register and sign a waiver. Click here for the waiver, online registration and maps.

Patience sucks Thats why they invented Ibuprofen!
Randy Step

April 20, 2011 - Run, Volunteer, Give

Yo run gang,


The psychological and physical benefits of running are a gift but our sport gives back in so many ways, including charitable giving and volunteerism, how cool is that! A perfect example, Running Fit just wrote a check to Mott Children's Hospital's Save A Heart program for over $40,000! This was made possible by you, the runners, Conner O'Neill's, and the many sponsors and volunteers at this year's Shamrocks & Shenanigans race. The Martian Invasion of Races made a $7,550 donation to The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society possible, again, thanks to you the runners and sponsors like Forrester's Insurance company and Asics. Today, I just wrote another check for $550 to LACASA, a women and children's shelter in Howell, MI, thanks to all our customers who supported our apparel sales program last weekend. Next week, proceeds from the Fit 5K in Novi go to charity ... and the year is just getting started!



That said, another great, charitable race is coming up on May 14 on the streets of Novi, MI, The Live Like Andi 10 Mile (Yes, a fast, road, 10 mile!), 10K and 5K. Entries are a bit down, please help out this great race and great cause and enter today at




Run, volunteer, give, live, run,


Randy Step, an obsessed runner, happy to be a part of this great running community, with all of you!



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