Obsessed Runner Blog

Adventure Running!

Adventure Racing The next step maybe I can save you a step?

Quoting Tom Demerly of Michigan Sports & Fitness, "All the elements line up: Drama, outdoor exposure, team interaction and competition. The new lifestyle points people toward adventure racingadventure racing seems poised for a real explosion."

Tom explains that the sports involved require a range of skills that take years to acquire and perfect. If thats the case, Id say, expect some floundering during the explosion. In adventure racing, expect to see athletes out of their element in kayaks, climbing gear, on horses or reading instructions for their new GPS. If the sport doesnt work out long term for these new multi-sport athletes and is just a passing fad, expect some cool stuff at future garage sales!

From Susan Douglas, Runner
Dear Dirt Diva and Crew:
Amazing job putting on the race on Saturday! I've been adventure racing for four years, recently reached the conclusion that that sport is much too complicated and expensive for a married woman with two kids, and resigned myself to running for awhile even though it's not as much fun. WRONG!

Read more: Adventure Running!

Three Elements of a Marathon Schedule

1. Alternating Hard and Easy
Hard days are long or fast runs. Easy days are short, slow or ones spent in the arms of a LA-Z-BOY. I suggest at least one day off each week but you could miss all the easy days on the schedule and still do just fine. I don't suggest it.

Read more: Three Elements of a Marathon Schedule

New Years Resolution Become A Runner!

Ready to give running a try or ready to try running, again? The major stumbling block to becoming a runner is time. Not finding time to run but the amount of time it takes to realize the results of your effort. It takes about a month for most people to become self motivated (Addicted, passionate?). The problem is, most people give up after a couple weeks because the results come slow. With a specific plan and determination, you can get there. Ill give you the tricks; you give it a month.

Running is and easy entry sport. All you need is a watch and a good pair of shoes. The initial investment should be less than $150 and even if you dont run, you will have comfortable shoes and wont be late. The watch is necessary because time, distance and speed are key to becoming addicted self motivated! You should get the shoes and watch at the local running shop, Running Fit! They will look at your feet, ask you about your goals and put you in shoes that will keep you injury free. The average price of a great pair of running shoes is around $90, give or take $20.

Read more: New Years Resolution Become A Runner!

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