Obsessed Runner Blog

2015-3-18 - Get your groove on

randy runningVariety is the spice of running, I try to get in 3 types of runs each week, one hard paced difficult run, perhaps on hills and one very long run that takes me near my physical limits. The rest are comfortable runs where I can enjoy all the sights and sounds of the world around me while still getting the work done and putting miles in the log. Each run seems to compliment the others, the long run takes the stress out of getting out the door for any shorter distance and the hard runs make me feel like I earned the comfortable runs. Mix it up, keep if fresh and fun so you can run, run, run. That said, as spring unfolds, it is easy to do too much too soon, do not increase your mileage by more than 10% each week. I repeat the important stuff!

Run smart, run forever,

Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner, who just finished one of those hard paced runs leaving me trashed and happy ... Where I vaguely remember where I ran and if I'm not mistaken, the sun was out.

PS - Spring is upon us and soon we will be hitting the trails! Join us for any one of the following: Trail weekend, Flirt with Dirt, The Legend or Run Woodstock for a great BOGO deal! Buy one entry, get a free entry into our Kegs, Eggs and Scrambled Legs trail celebration!

PS - The Thirsty 3 is BACK in 2015 and better than ever. Be sure to sign up early as all races and distances have limits and will sell out! CHEERS!

2015-03-11 - Free runs!

randy runningI'm sure you can relate: I put off the a morning run at 20 degrees opting for the day end run with a predicted high of 40. The morning was still, clear and the sun rise was beautiful. I ran that night in the dark, pouring rain and perhaps mid 30s. Each foot fall was a cold wet shock, you get the picture.

The rule: Never let the weather affect your planned run, when race day dawns, you have no choice in the matter and you better be ready and know how to dress and run in all conditions. Not to mention, there are a ton of things that will come along to thwart the days run, weather should never be one of them. If the rain had been in the AM, should I have still headed out? Didn't I just answer that?

Get out and run, even if it's perfect,

Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner ... who does admit to digging glorious running days, dang.
PS: Get the spring season started with a couple of FREE RUNS!
- The free Fit 5K! Back by popular demand, Wednesday, March 18th.
- NEW!!! Kegs, Eggs and SCRAMBLED LEGS! Join us April 11th, 2015 for a fun day on the trails with beer and an EGGcelent breakfast!

2015-03-04 - Run, live, smile, die

randy winterThe next time someone tells you that running might not make you live longer, just tell them that's OK, I'm just hoping for some compression of morbidity, they will then slink off to google it. The theory, would you rather be living it up and running  every day until you are 80 and then just drop dead or would you rather live a sedentary life, develop congestive heart failure at 80, spend 10 years in a nursing home with multiple disease factors, perhaps Alzheimer's and no quality of life, then die at 90?

Get out the door and compress that dang morbidity,

Randy Step, an obsessed runner, who runs many miles each week with my nurse practitioner wife, Dr. Kathy (Doctorate in nursing practice) who specializes in geriatric medicine. Enough said.

P.S. - Have you heard? Registration for the Canton Liberty Run is now open! Join us June 20, 2015 for a 5K, 10K or 1 mile! NEW theme for 2015; Red, white, blue and don't forget your TUTU!

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