Obsessed Runner Blog

2016-04-20 - May you find a route that becomes an old friend

randy sunglasses30 years ago my friend Jeff Gaft introduced me to Pinckney Recreation Area's Potawatomi Trail, a hilly monster that goes past a dozen lakes in a Pure Michigan wonderland, a trail that to this day continues to beat me up and keep me honest. I find it helps to have a running loop to call your own, a route special to you, a place to run home to.  When I run Poto, it brings on a flood of memories. At times I'll remember exactly what I was thinking at the exact same points on the trail,  perhaps on a similar day 10 years earlier. These thoughts will often intertwine with whatever my current day's thoughts or worries are and help to ground me and give me answers.

May you find a route that becomes an old friend,

Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner who will be celebrating my 30th year with my old friend Poto this weekend.

PS: Join me with over a thousand of my running friends this weekend on Poto for 5, 13.1, 26.2 or 31 miles of new memories. http://trailmarathon.com/

PS: This is also the weekend of the International Trails In Motion Running Film festival. These 7 short films add up to 2 incredibly motivational and breathtaking hours. Join me Saturday afternoon in Dexter. https://runningfitevents.redpodium.com/trails-in-motion-film-festival  After the films, I will head for a beer at the Null Tap House, join me! http://www.nulltaphouse.com/nl/index

2016-04-14 - Obsessed running loser

randy sunglassesI usually get out for a run before attempting to write an inspirational midweek runmail but due to an ugly, medial collateral ligament, I'm composing this at a time when I'm not able to put in miles. I admit it's hard not to feel like a loser and a charleton while writing as the obsessed runner but not to worry,  I'll recover and I do have a diversified portfolio to keep up the endorphins and reduce my losses as I've suggested to all of you in past midweeks. I ride a bike, put in laps in the pool and get my yoga buzz on. Perhaps this week's message will be a good reminder for all of us to do our core work and to up the spring miles with a bit of caution. Let this also be a sympathetic message for those of you on the sidelines, you are not alone! That said, for you healthy people, do not use this message as any kind of lame excuse for not getting your butt out the door, putting in the hard work and lining up to test yourself at the weekend races!  
Run smart, recover smart,

Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner, even when I'm not able to run.

PS: Join me for a couple hours of inspirational running films, a week from Saturday, April 23rd, 2:30 PM in Dexter, MI, when the Trails In Motion, international trail running film festival comes to Michigan for the first time! Tickets here!

2016-04-06 - Fell off the running wagon? Running will welcome you back!

randy sunglassesWe strive for the complete fitness lifestyle, eating healthy, getting in the scheduled runs, workouts, core work, sleep, and getting in the personal best shape of our lives ... The reality for many of us are far too many days with work and family issues that get out of control, leaving us with no time for the workout, skipping meals and skipping sleep. Worse yet, we may follow it up with an overindulgent night out that we trick ourselves into thinking we deserve as the answer to stress reduction or some such nonsense, when we know the reality is ... a deeper hole. Fitness, like freedom, takes constant vigilance and hard work, a lifelong battle with victories and setbacks but always worth every ounce of energy we put forth. Never ever give up, each hard won fitness victory is sweet, and worth a lifetime of struggle. We start again today!

Run again,

Randy Step, an obsessed runner, out there fighting the good fight, just like you.

PS: Need motivation? A running film festival might do the trick. Join me at Trails in Motion, the international trail running film festival as it comes to Dexter, Michigan, Saturday afternoon April 23. Get tickets here!

PS: RF Events is excited to announce its new ZERO WASTE goal! Beginning with our Trail Marathon Weekend event we will be working to present a visibly consistent attempt at recycling with the goal to eventually reach ZERO WASTE! Want to get involved? Check it out here!

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