Obsessed Runner Blog

2016-05-11 - Savor each day

randy sunglassesRemember your mom trying to get you to eat every scrap on your plate by saying, "there are starving people in the world!" ... As if your eating will help someone from starving, but for sure it would piss off a starving person to watch you waste food! So, If you are healthy and able to run and blowing off the run for some lame reason, just think about the injured runners out there who would do almost anything to be in your shoes! Ok, once again as I think about it, your miles won't do a thing for someone who can't run but ... It does piss me off to know you're not doing everything you can to get out the door!

Don't waste the run, or anything else,

Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner, on the mend with a deep understanding of savoring every healthy day.
PS: Join us June 4th in Novi, MI, the land of malls and mansions, for a beautiful single track run through the woods, Flirt With Dirt 5K and 10K! You won't believe Novi's hidden gem, Lakeshore Park. We love this low key dirt run and you will too! runflirt.com Get out and run!

2016-05-04 - Morning Rush Run

randy sunglassesWith all the construction going on, running to work, or at least part of the way to work, is not only an environmentally friendly and rewarding experience but offers an added time management perk if you can escape wasted time in morning traffic. The excuse is often that there is no shower at work. The answer is to shower and prepare for work before you head out on the run, you will need to remember to leave a set of work clothes at the office along with any make up or other prep items you need to look ready for the day. Because sweat is sterile, and you just took a shower, as long as you run in clean running gear, there is no "smell" associated with your workout. Leaving a clean towel at work to dry off the sweat is another item to pack. Even better, leave a set of this stuff at work all the time to give you even more flexibility. And yes, you can put on the dirty stuff to run home in! Don't live close enough? No excuse! Find a park and ride or place a runnable distance from work, perhaps saving parking fees for some of us!

Enjoy the morning "rush",

Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner who finds myself changing in my car more often than in my home.

PS: Get out of town and escape Michigan Construction season! Join the Dirt Crew in Gnaw Bone, Indiana for a Dirt Dancin' good time on May 14th! toughest 10K in the world, extreme 13.1M, 26.2M, 50K and 50M in the breathtaking natural beauty of the wicked trails in Brown County Indiana. http://dwdgnawbone.com

2016-04-27 - Celebrating 2 million years of obsessed running!

randy sunglassesHumans have been running around the planet for around 2 million years, living on the front lines, chasing down dinner and celebrating the survival of another day. Evolution tweaked us into amazing running machines. My guess is that until the arrival of civilization, women and men both put in 70 to 100 mile weeks of running at a level that today we would call world class. That said, for our running future as a species, it's time to use it or lose it. Let's get out and hammer! It's time to protect what we've been blessed with and pass it on.

Run and evolve to perfection,

Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner ... let's call it instinct.

PS: Join us as we celebrate surviving another day next week at Hightail to Ale, a keg party with a 5K warmup! Civilization started with the brewing of barley beer... and that is something to celebrate! hightailtoale.com

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