Obsessed Runner Blog

2016-08-03 - Winner, Winner, Turkey Dinner

randy trexWe have some fun brainstorming days back here in the event office, thinking of ways to make your race experience the best it can be. Our number one goal is to produce events you can trust your training to, with a safe, accurate, and timed course. We then add a hoaky theme, fun swag and perhaps beer and wine. Heck, we all need to be rewarded for our efforts!

Today we finalized plans for the Ann Arbor Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving day, the 11th annual! Plans like pumpkin pies, 5 deep in 5 year age groups, medals to all entrants and Turkeys to the overall winners! The hot chocolate aid station is back and of course... Santa! Run, then eat all day. The turkey trot, perhaps the greatest tradition in running outside of the Olympic games!

Run for the turkeys,

Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner who is thankful to have fun stuff on the calendar, events that get us all out the door training!

PS: Speaking of thankful, at RF Events we are forever thankful to our incredible volunteers... speaking of volunteers, what are you doing this weekend? Come play in the woods with us at The Legend, Saturday, August 6th in Laingsburg, MI! Volunteers receive a sweet volunteer shirt, $30 toward a future RF Events' Event, a fun day and a million thanks!

PS: The volunteer fun doesn't end there! Ever dreamed of working at a vineyard? Now is your chance! Running Between the Vines on August 13th, 2016 in Jackson, MI at the gorgeous Sandhill Crane Vineyards is a gorgeous day with great vibes! Learn more HERE!

2016-07-28 - The elusive rave run

randy rocksSome runs just suck, some runs are OK but I just had my first fast, fun and amazing feeling run in a while and can honestly say, it was worth the wait. Rave runs like these, sometimes few and far between, keep getting us out the door. Kind of like pulling the slot machine handle over and over, or casting a line just one more time, hoping for the magic to strike.

May you hit the jackpot on your next run,
Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner, who's faith in running is renewed and is pleasantly sore and smiling. (Few things is life leave you feeling this way J)
PS: HARD CIDER, PANCAKES, RUNNING! Do we have your attention? Head to Almar Orchards in Flushing, MI on October 2, 2016 for the Scrumpy Skedaddle 5K and 10K! Medals and mugs to all finishers, long sleeve cotton shirts to all entrants, hard cider tasting and all you can eat pancake breakfast at the afterparty! RUNSCRUMPY.COM

PS: Come play in the woods with us on August 6, 2016! The Legend 5 Mile and Half Marathon at Sleepy Hollow State Park in Laingsburg, MI takes you through 2600 acres of hardwood forest, prairie grassland, and around several Michigan lakes. NEW for 2016, medals for ALL distances! The Legend continues,

2016-07-20 - Take hot weather runs seriously!

randy runningMost of us are mired in our lifestyles with responsibilities of family, jobs, bills, and piles of unfinished work and projects that can stop us in our tracks as we jump out of bed for the daily run. It is as if the enemy has thwarted our attack on this new day. We may awake to run plans that get sidetracked within minutes. The truth is, getting out the door is never easy, and at times, just getting started requires a super human feat. You have blown through that barrier plenty of times, the trick is to keep up the momentum and know thy enemy!
That said, the weather is never a reason to skip a run. As you know, I love extremes, especially when it comes to the weather we run in. Life in the middle of the road will get you run down! When its 10 below or over 90, a simple run becomes extreme and requires planning and thought. It also comes with a bit of danger, but you may have noticed, all the cool stuff is dangerous so no need to avoid it, just take it seriously and pack enough water.

Run for the shade,

Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner who will be running short shaded loops on trails, never far from a lake to jump in.

PS: Come play in the woods with us on August 6, 2016! The Legend 5 Mile and Half Marathon at Sleepy Hollow State Park in Laingsburg, MI takes you through 2600 acres of hardwood forest, prairie grassland, and around several Michigan lakes. NEW for 2016, medals for ALL distances! The Legend continues, enter if you dare!

PS: Join us in Jackson, MI on August 13th for Michigan's most beautiful half marathon! Running Between the vines is a high class run with a high class finish party! Shirts and wine tasting (with snack food pairings!) to all entrants, finisher's medals and glasses to all finishers! RUNVINES.COM

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