Obsessed Runner Blog

2016-09-14 - Ignore your self-placed running limits

randy woodstock2I'm just coming down from a weekend of runner's high at Run Woodstock where at the finish line, I was continually reminded that us humans are the most incredible endurance creatures on the planet and for sure we are designed to run. I greeted Ashley Truan at the end of her 22 hour, 100 mile winning run on the trails. She looked as fresh, happy and fulfilled as many 5K finishers. Yes, we are not all created the same and our athletic capabilities vary greatly based on genetics and life experiences but we all have (sometimes buried) in us, the incredible drive of the human spirit that can be harnessed to take us to places far past the limits we often put on ourselves.

Ignore the limits you have placed on yourself and attempt to accomplish what seems impossible,

Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner who is inspired by you

PS: Volunteer to be on the Dirt Crew for Dances With Dirt, September 24th and play a part in fulfilling the goals of the 50 mile and 50K runners as they attempt to move their outer limits, it may open up your world to new possibilities. Join me! Check it out here!

PS: We have loved having a HOT, HOT summer... but we won't lie, it has been getting us excited for beautiful fall days! Join us for fall running in the apple orchards at Almar Orchards in Flushing, MI on October 2, 2016. Hard cider, running and an all you can eat pancake breakfast... we're in! runscrumpy.com

2016-09-07 - Every run has it's place

randy ironI love the peaceful solitude of a training run alone, my time to sort out the tangled world. I also like to run with friends, some for the conversation where pace and distance matter little and some for the motivation where pace and distance are maxed and challenged. Last but not least, I love to line up on race day and find out where I stand, mostly to compete with myself but yes, to see how my time compares to others and to duke it out.

Go find the run you need,

Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner with a lot of good choices when it comes to the run, dig it!

PS: WE WANT YOU on the DIRT CREW! Dances With Dirt Hell is right around the corner! Join us September 24th weekend and get a little dirt in your shorts! This race is a must see to believe... Get in on the fun HERE!

PS: We have loved having a HOT, HOT summer... but we won't lie, it has been getting us excited for beautiful fall days! Join us for fall running in the apple orchards at Almar Orchards in Flushing, MI on October 2, 2016. Hard cider, running and an all you can eat pancake breakfast... we're in! runscrumpy.com

2016-08-31 - Run aware, run with care

Karen McKeachie, an old friend and amazing athlete was killed this week when she was struck by a pickup truck while out on a training ride. www.freep.com/story Tragedy is a harsh reminder of how fragile and precious life is, a brutal reality check of the risks we face every day as part of our active lifestyle. All the cool things in life seem to come with a bit of risk and danger but missing out on them can bring on stress and depression. The answer is to respect the risks, mitigate them to the best of our abilities and head out the door to live life fully.

Run, bike and swim smart,

Randy Step, a shocked, saddened, admitted obsessed runner and triathlete who suggests you avoid roads as much as possible because distracted driving has changed the game. When on the run, head to the trails, parks and woods, find a running friend, ditch the headphones, alter your routes, always run against traffic and respect the weather. On the bike, find routes with wide shoulders, ride with traffic, yield to traffic when appropriate, be predictable, stay alert at all times and don't flip off the jerks even though they deserve it. Dang.

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