Obsessed Runner Blog

2017-05-31 - Set a date!

anna3Hey Midweek Runmailers, Baby Goat here! The Head Goat is off in the swamp so I thought I'd hop in and help you get your butt out the door. Summer is practically here and the days have been GLORIOUS, giving me zero excuses for not getting out the door for a run... but I'm still having a tough time. I put off picking my fall and summer races but the time has come. I've always found if you set a date, the training will (for the most part) follow! I'm all about progress, NOT perfection. So set your date, write your schedule, and don't beat yourself up too badly if it doesn't go exactly according to plan! Pick a short term and a long term goal and keep them realistic. Remember, this is what we do for FUN! Need a little inspiration? I learned how to throw in a shameless plug from the G.O.A.T (but we really are good at what we do!), check out the RF Events Race Calendar and be sure to bug me about how my training is going when you see me out there.

Set those dates and the miles will follow,

Anna Step Przybylski, an admittedly not quite as obsessed runner whose fall ultra training starts today!

PS: Kick off summer with a volunteer gig at Flirt With Dirt on Saturday, June 3rd in Novi, MI! This will get you set up with a $30 voucher to use towards any future RF Events' Event, volunteer swag, and a million thanks! Volunteering is a great way to ease into the racing scene for the summer, check it out here!

PS: We're over 10 weeks out from the Running Between the Vines, there is still plenty of time to train for Michigan's most BEAUTIFUL Half Marathon! Not quite ready for Half? Join us for the 5K, 5 Mile.. or both! Running, cheese, chocolate and WINE in Jackson, MI on August 19th, 2017... what could be better?

2017-05-24 - Some good running news

randy trackLast week at the Dances With Dirt trail race I witnessed true heroes in action when the women's 50K leader took a fall and broke a leg. Three runners put their own ultra goals and races aside to be with her and help with her evactuation. From the post-race e-mail thread I can see that helping others in crisis can bring a more personal reward than our personal goals... And can create lifelong friendships and bonds.

Running teaches us the value of long term goals and delayed gratification as we put in our daily miles to be ready for an event months away. These skills transfer over to our business and personal lives to move us forward. Some good examples are a couple of the long term charitable commitments made by RF Events, committing $25,000 over 5 years to "Karen's Trail", a project in memory of friend and world class athlete Karen McKeachie, and $25,000 to the Detroit Riverfront Conservancy. These commitments help keep our fires lit and remind us daily to do the best we can to produce events that will be successful and allow us to accomplish these goals. That said, you can't beat the immediate gratification of writing a check for $31,294 to the Congenital Heart Center at C.S. Mott Children's Hospital from the proceeds of the Shamrocks and Shenanigans 5K & 1K, made possible by those who ran! Rewarding stuff!

Get in those miles, the rewards will follow,

Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner who is proud of our running community and humbled to be associated with so many heroic athletes and just plain great people.

PS: My friend and dentist John Farah wrote a great article to share with anyone who might be considering entering their first 5K! Share the article and share the gift of running. Some great 5Ks can be found at rfevents.com/calendar ... just sayin'.

2017-05-18 - The value of a run never goes down

randy trackAs I've said in the past, the market might crash or soar but getting out the door for the days miles is one of the rocks you can steady this life on. Running is a recession proof passion. In the lean years, we might not be able to afford to fly to Hawaii to run the marathon but we can lace em up and head out the door for a head clearing trip to nirvana with no cash needed. A simple sport worth so much more than the sum of its parts, the ultimate investment, always with positive returns.

Run with the bulls,

Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner who knows miles in my log prove that my time was well spent.

PS: Sip, sip, HOORAY! Running Between the Vines is just around the corner. We can't wait for this gorgeous vineyard run and post race wine tasting bash! Join us August 19th, 2017 in Jackson, MI for 5K, 5 Miles or a Half Marathon! Want to run the 5K AND 5 Mile? The Cellar Slam is for you. See you in Jackson, CHEERS!

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