Obsessed Runner Blog

2017-10-18 - With a plan,yes, you can!

randy freepFor many of us who ran in Detroit, Grand Rapids or Chicago, the long key fall race is behind us and it's time to celebrate with the fun fall and winter run-for-fun events like (Shameless RF Event plug here) The Downtown Ann Arbor Turkey Trot 5K on Thanksgiving Day or the Holiday Hustle in Dexter on December 9th. For some of us that have not yet jumped up to the half marathon or marathon distance, seeing our fellow runners accomplish these amazing goals helps inspire us, perhaps to commit to upping the ante and entering a spring marathon or half ... Like the Martian Invasion of Races on April 14th! The reality is, that if you get on a training schedule this far out, the training miles are far less daunting, making the goal look pretty darn realistic ... Let's do this!

With a plan, yes you can!

Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner who loves every day of this running life.

PS: Speaking of the Turkey Trot... Beat the price increase! Ann Arbor Turkey Trot 5K and 1K Tot Trot prices go up tonight, October 19th at 11:59PM. Register now! A couple bucks of your entry will go to The Chad Tough Foundation to help fight childhood brain cancer. Your custom turkey finisher's medal will prove you've earned your place at the table and on the couch!

PS: NANU, NANU, EARTHLINGS! The martians are once again planning to invade Dearborn, MI. Don't miss the Martian Invasion of Races on April 14, 2018. 5K, 10K, 13.1M, 26K... or go for the MARTIAN FULL MARATHON! You've got the time to train, let's do this!

2017-10-11 - Dirty Laundry

randy freepThank God for dirty running laundry, it has a tale to tell. While others may save detergent, we've been running well! That said, you know you've had a good week when the running laundry piece count exceeds the day to day nonsense laundry. If you only have stuff to hang dry and nothing going in the dryer, you know your run week rocked! That said, it's time to do an inventory of the cold weather gear and bring it to the top of the pile so we are ready to rock with no excuses!

Dress for success,

Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner with laundry hanging to prove it.

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PS: Come visit us at the Detroit Free Press/Chemical Bank Marathon expo on Friday and Saturday! We will debut our 2018 calendar magnets. We've planned your running year for you so you don't have to, be sure to stop by and grab one!

PS: There are lots of turkey's to trot with coming up, please consider joining our Turkey Crew on Thanksgiving Day for the 12th annual Downtown Ann Arbor Turkey Trot 5K and 1K Tot Trot. A couple bucks of your entry will go to The Chad Tough Foundation to help fight childhood brain cancer. Your custom turkey finisher's medal will prove you've earned your place at the table and on the couch!

2017-10-04 - What can you do about it?

anna boardwalkBaby Goat here, Randy's youngest and admitted (not quite as) obsessed runner stepping in for the Midweek Runmail!

A few mornings a week I run with my mom. These runs are our therapy: we talk about life, how we can do better as wives/sisters/daughters/employees etc., how to deal with the everyday stresses of this world... and let's be honest, we do a little complaining. We were gabbing and griping this morning when I thought hold on, you know what my (very wise) husband would say? Whenever I'm complaining, worried, stressed, or annoyed he asks me, "What can you do about it?" Generally, the answer is nothing. So I drop it and move on. I'm adopting the question as my new mantra in both life and running. When I'm behind on my training (which I am) or miss a run (which happens more often than I'd like to admit) or I'm stuck on US-23 for the 3rd day in a row... WHAT CAN I DO ABOUT IT? I love this quick jolt back to reality and so I'm passing it on to you. Let's try to spend our time and energy focusing on the things we CAN change, it's time and energy well spent.

Baby Goat, an admitted (not quite as) obsessed runner, who is going to work toward making the daily run a more positive and uplifting experience.

PS: We need some volunteers for this weekend's Run Scream Run! What can you do about it? Give back to the running community and join us! Be a part of the ScareCREW. Volunteers receive a spooky shirt, cider and doughnuts, a $30 voucher towards a future event and a great big thank you! Check it out here.

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