Obsessed Runner Blog

2017-12-13 - The little things... are the big things

anna winterBaby Goat STEPping in today to help get your butt out the door!

Winter has settled in here across Michigan and getting myself out the door for the daily run has reached peak difficulty. I don't know about you, but for me the little things ARE the big things. If I can't find a pair of running pants I like or there aren't any clean socks... there is a 97% chance my run is not going to happen. Let's make the daily run easier on ourselves by knocking out the little obstacles. Get the laundry done, make piles of running outfits you love for the entire week, line the shoes up at the door with the laces UNTIED and get the phone out to make running plans with your friends. Hey, it still might not work... but a clear path to that door is sure going to make it easier to get out of it!

Knock out those little obstacles,

Baby Goat, a not quite as obsessed runner who is headed home to throw my beloved Balegas in the laundry so I might have a chance to make it out the door this week!

PS: I love taking over the midweek because I get to shamelessly plug MY favorite events! Join me and all my trail loving friends at the 32nd running of Trail Weekend on April 28th and 29th, 2018. Try 5 miles, 13.1 miles, 26.2 miles or 50K on Potawatomi Trail in Pinckney, MI! If you're not already obsessed with running around in the woods... you will be after this one!

PS: BEER! Do I have your attention? The Hightail to Ale 5K is back for 5 YEARS OF CHEERS on May 11, 2017! I love this beautiful 5K course on the riverfront in Detroit... and who doesn't love FINISHER BEER?

If it was easy...

randy holiday5kWe don't run because it's easy, we run because we get it. Those who don't get it joke that the only time you would catch them running would be to the refrigerator or from a grizzly bear but never to just get in a run. As we layer up and head out on a snowy day with an icy headwind, our neighbors are sure to be shaking their heads and wondering if we have lost our sanity, especially if we crack a smile... a smile that comes because we understand that the reality is a run like this is saving our sanity, and yes, can be just plain fun.

Laugh at the weather and get in some miles,

Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner, laughing all the way.

PS: Speaking of laughing... Join us for our FIFTH ANNUAL Thirsty 3 Series! This not-so-serious racing and drinking series takes you on a tour to our favorite local beer, wine and hard cider facilities! Get your beer on at the Hightail to Ale 5K on May 11, 2018 in Detroit, MI, Your wine on in Jackson, MI on August 18, 2018 at the Running Between the Vines 5K, 5 Mile and Half Marathon... and then make the trip to Flushing, MI on October 7, 2018 as we SKEDADDLE for HARD CIDER at the Scrumpy Skedaddle 1K, 5K and 10K! PRICES GO UP DECEMBER 31, 2017 AT 11:59PM!

2017-12-06 - Not a time to be a running hero

randy ecuador200From Turkey day to New Year's Day, our daily run is getting attacked from all sides, from endless parties and treats, finding time to shop, bad footing, wind, cold, short and dark days. Yikes! This is no time for running heroics and goals that may be doomed to fail, it's time to hunker down and just commit to the basics. Promise yourself to just get out the door for a minimum number of days for a minimum number of miles, something realistic, just enough to take in some fresh air and jiggle the fat. We can come back in January without too much erosion of our base, ready to ramp up to greatness!

Run off what you can today, we'll burn the rest in January!

Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner, sharing what for me are rare, realistic thoughts about the daily run. Dang.

PS: HO, HO, GO! There is one last chance to run with us in 2017. Join us Saturday evening, December 9, 2017 at the Holiday Hustle 5K and 1 Mile in Dexter, MI! A festive fun run full of flashing flare and jingle bells you wont want to miss... Online registration closes tomorrow, December 7 at NOON!

PS: We're ramping up your 2018 running year over here at RF Events. Most recently opened? Our grooviest race of all! Join us for 3 days of peace, music and running at Run Woodstock on September 7, 8 & 9, 2018. Distances from 5 Miles to 100. Campsites are going fast so get in while the getting is good... and start the training in January ;). PEACE, MAN!

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