Obsessed Runner Blog

2018-01-10 - I admit I'm cheating winter a bit

randy flowersI jumped in my car to get to a place to run out of the wind and cold ... And 18 hours later ended up in Florida. Watching the temp on the dash work its way from -7 to 80 was highly motivational! A couple audio books helped make the drive less painful. I've been enjoying tropical trail runs and will sneak in a half marathon this weekend before heading back on Monday. If at all possible, punch a hole in winter with a warm escape, just another tool to get us through. Next weekend, January 20, I'll be road tripping up to Traverse City for the Bigfoot 5K and 10K snowshoe slog, come join me! Life it too short not to throw in a spur of the moment road trip, north or south.

Do something spontaneous,

Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner, running shirtless today.

PS: HUT, HUT, Join us before the big game and earn your spot on the couch! The Super 5K Roadrace on February 4, 2018 in Novi, MI will get you in the game day spirit... and wait until you see the post race spread! Multi-functional headwear and touch screen gloves to all entrants, medals and pint glasses to all finishers!

PS: Get out your green gear, shamrockers, the Shamrocks and Shenanigans 5K and 1K are back and more shamrockin' than ever! Hit the streets of downtown Ann Arbor with us on Sunday morning, March 11th, 2018. All proceeds of this charity event support Save A Heart, an organization that raises funds for the patients and families of the Congenital Heart Center at C.S. Mott Children's Hospital.

2018-01-03 - Time to trick yourself into it

anna winterHappy new year from the Baby Goat! I hope your resolutions are in full swing and getting out the door for your daily run has been a breeze. If you're like me and that isn't the case at all.. it's time to pull out our bag of tricks... to trick ourselves out the door.

In the new year I have committed to running at least 1 mile a day for the first 100 days of the year. I love this idea, but the execution is a little tricky. For my first day, I used my favorite trick, ask somebody who is more reliable than I am to run with me. It worked so well in fact, when I got home and I was going to ask my husband if we could skip it because it was too cold, he already had his clothes on and was ready to go... and out the door we went. Yesterday, I once again decided it was too cold, so I decided to slap my Garmin on and run laps around the house. After 5 minutes and 13 seconds of that torture, I ran downstairs, put on my running clothes, ran down the driveway and into the night. I'm not sure what this trick would be called but... something like "do something terrible and you'll get so sick of it you'll be dying to run out in the cold." I haven't decided yet what tonight's trick will be, but I'm excited to see what creative way I get my butt out the door.

Pull out that bag of tricks,

Baby Goat, a not quite as obsessed runner who is excited to trick my way into 100 days of the daily run... and beyond.

PS: I love taking over the midweek because I get to shamelessly plug MY favorite events! Join me and all my trail loving friends at the 32nd running of Trail Weekend on April 28th and 29th, 2018. Try 5 miles, 13.1 miles, 26.2 miles or 50K on Potawatomi Trail in Pinckney, MI! If you're not already obsessed with running around in the woods... you will be after this one!

PS: BEER! Do I have your attention? The Hightail to Ale 5K is back for 5 YEARS OF CHEERS on May 11, 2017! I love this beautiful 5K course on the riverfront in Detroit... and who doesn't love FINISHER BEER?

2017-12-28 - I love winter running!

randy holiday5kI just love winter running. The extra cushion from a light crunch of snow under my shoes, the sparkling frost that forms on my hat, the traction device I wrap around my shoes to give me a no-slip-macho feeling as I run recklessly across ice patches, mastering the environment. Ok, the truth is, winter is here so you might as well love it or leave it, no matter what you REALLY think of it. Keep saying your new mantra until you almost believe it, "I just love these long, cold, dark winter runs, I just love winter running ..." Extreme runs give a lot of bang for the buck, that said, run smart when the temps are this low. Start into the wind, run a short loop you can bail on at any sign of trouble. No heroics, just get it done!

Let's get out there before the weather turns nice!

Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner who loves winter ... Sure.

PS: Winter WILL eventually end. When it does, join us for our FIFTH ANNUAL Thirsty 3 Series! This not-so-serious racing and drinking series takes you on a tour to our favorite local beer, wine and hard cider facilities! Get your beer on at the Hightail to Ale 5K on May 11, 2018 in Detroit, MI, Your wine on in Jackson, MI on August 18, 2018 at the Running Between the Vines 5K, 5 Mile and Half Marathon... and then make the trip to Flushing, MI on October 7, 2018 as we SKEDADDLE for HARD CIDER at the Scrumpy Skedaddle 1K, 5K and 10K! PRICES GO UP DECEMBER 31, 2017 AT 11:59PM!

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