Obsessed Runner Blog

2018-01-31 - Even runners get the flu

randy flowersMy weekly goal is to motivate us out the door but the goal also includes keeping us healthy so we miss as few days as possible. As runners, we get a ton of physical and mental health benefits from our lifestyle, unfortunately, susceptibility to the flu is not one of them, dang. I have several friends fighting the flu currently and I sure don't want to join them. Us runners need to take the same precautions as the rest of the world including hand washing, not touching our mouth, eyes or nose between washings and getting the flu shot. Yes, get out the door for your run but this time of the year, take recovery days after hard or long workouts and after a hard run. We need to be additionally cautious around crowds or anyone who might be contagious because our immune system will be a bit compromised until we recover. So, no kissing strangers after your long runs, until after May 1st!

Run, rest, wash your hands and we can hug again in the spring,

Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner who once again wrote this, mostly as a reminder to myself, as usual.

PS: LAST CHANCE FOR THE LOWEST PRICE! Join us this Sunday, February 4, 2018 at the Super 5K in Novi, MI to earn your spot on the couch before the big game! Sweet swag, killer halfWAY show, Roary the lion, Detroit Lions legend Jason Hanson on site, JUNK FOOD... what more could you ask for in a 5K?! Online registration closes at NOON on Friday, February 2nd, register now!

2018-01-24 - The running time machine

randy trailLast night I put in some miles on the streets where my running passion first bloomed. It was the 35th anniversary run of the Redford, now Northville, Road Runners Club. I headed out with many members of the same crew I ran with 35 years before. Admittedly, we looked like caricatures of those young, fast, punks of old but as the pace quickened and the break-away groups formed, the same old running magic was there. I jumped into a pack I thought I could hang with and as we put the hammer down and got into a groove, I felt we were in a running time machine. Sure, I was working as hard as I did back then at a pace a couple minutes per mile slower, but unless I looked at a watch, that seemed pretty irrelevant. Dig it.

May we run forever,

Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner who knows only too well that life can turn on a dime and running does not give us any type of immortality. Yes, it's not about how long we live but how we live each precious day. Tonight I returned from a funeral home where one of Michigan's most fun, caring, giving gracious and competitive athletes, Karen Perzyk, KP, age 49, lay dead, just 8 weeks after her cancer diagnosis and just a few months after running a world class time in a full Ironman Triathlon. RIP Karen, and thanks for showing us how to live life fully to the end.

New Year's Day has officially moved to March 1st!

randy trailSoon after becoming dictator, Julius Caesar decided that the traditional Roman calendar should start in January, not the traditional March date. The average January temp in Rome is around 50 degrees, so I guess Julius figured it was a good time of year to make fitness resolutions. I've decided to stick to the old calendar, if you want to join me we still have some time to dream up our resolutions, especially when it comes to running! That said, we also have time to pick some target events to run this year, or should I say... next year, after March 1st! Let's kick the year off at Shamrocks & Shenanigans 5K & 1K, March 10th in Ann Arbor. 100% of the bottom line goes to Save A Heart, an organization which benefits the Congenital Heart Center at C.S. Mott Children's Hospital. The event donated over $30,000 last year!

Let is snow, we have time!

Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner ... Running late.

PS: HUT, HUT, Join us before the big game and earn your spot on the couch! The Super 5K Roadrace on February 4, 2018 in Novi, MI will get you in the game day spirit... and wait until you see the post race spread! Multi-functional headwear and touch screen gloves to all entrants, medals and pint glasses to all finishers!

PS: By the time April rolls around your new resolutions will be in full swing. Join us April 14, 2018 in Dearborn, MI for the Martian Invasion of Races 5K, 10K, 13.1M, 26K, 26.2M and Kids' Marathon! Sweet suncatcher fill medals to all finishers, tech shirts to all entrants... Join the invasion!

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