Obsessed Runner Blog

2018-05-18 - Streaking can help get your butt out the door

randy bridgesNot necessarily your bare butt, because I'm talking about streaks of consistency. Examples would be, not running less than 15 miles per week, not running less than three days in a week or not missing more than three days in a row. These are just examples, the number of days miles etc., needs to be numbers that relate to you specifically, numbers that will motivate you. Once you've gone 10 weeks in a row without missing at least three days of running it becomes strong motivation for you to get out that third day when it comes to the end of the week. The same holds for any other streak you have going and are aware of. Read over your running log, and see what kind of streak you might have going already that you are not aware of. If you fail on your streak, whatever the number, is is a personal record. Time to start a new streak and beat it!

It's time to make streaking popular again,

Randy Step, and admitted obsessed runner, and a streaker from way back!

P.S. - A great way to get the daily run in is by adding some FUN! Join us Friday night, July 20, 2018 in Ypsilanti, MI for the OBERUN 5K, a fun 5K run/walk celebrating a summer fave at the finish - Bell's Oberon! This midsummer night beer lover's dream is over 70% full... don't miss out, register now!

2018-05-10 - No longer running

randy bridgesThis midweek email goes out to 97,000 people each week and around 15,000 open it (Thanks for not spamming me out). I always look at the comments on the opt outs. The number one reason, "I get too many emails." Once in a while I get one that breaks my heart, "I no longer run." What makes it worse is that I can't even respond, dang. I worry about the reasons, could it be that the emails make them feel guilty or lazy? Did they suffer an injury that will keep them from ever running again? This is a complicated world with real life and death situations that can force running to take a back seat. That said, the run is always there to come back to, it is a patient sport that will wait until the day we return. These weekly emails will also be there, perhaps to help kick start the long lost run ... As long as you don't opt out!

Enjoy every running day possible,

Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner was blessed today by a rave morning run and that I know there is no guarantees about what tomorrow might bring.

P.S. - A great way to get the daily run in is by adding some FUN! Join us Friday night, July 20, 2018 in Ypsilanti, MI for the OBERUN 5K, a fun 5K run/walk celebrating a summer fave at the finish - Bell's Oberon! This midsummer night beer lover's dream is over 60% full... don't miss out, register now!

P.S. - Check out the Obsessed Runner Live! We'll be coming at you LIVE weekly to answer questions and get your butt out the door.

2018-05-02 - What's today's excuse?

randy oberunAfter the brutality of an endless winter we hardly need a motivational push out the door to get in the run. The reality is that we will quickly forget the cold and start blaming the heat, our busy lives or whatever excuse we need to knock back the priority of our daily run. Our health is everything and the run is a big part of it, not just the run itself but the healthy changes in lifestyle we make due to our commitment. We all know how easy it is to lose focus when we are not facing a health crisis, then, one day, we wake to see a person in the mirror we never thought we'd be, or worse, wake up to one of the many diseases caused by poor choices. Yikes!

Hang tough and get your butt out the door,

Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner with as many excuses as can be imagined, continually digging myself back to the surface to fight the good fight.

P.S. - A great way to get the daily run in is by adding some FUN! Join us Friday night, July 20, 2018 in Ypsilanti, MI for the OBERUN 5K, a fun 5K run/walk celebrating a summer fave at the finish - Bell's Oberon! This midsummer night beer lover's dream is over 60% full... don't miss out, register now!

P.S. - Join us for a road trip south to Nashville, IN to get back to our roots for DANCES WITH DIRT. Hit the trails for 10K, 13.1M, 26.2M, 50K, 50 Miles or grab some friends and create a 5 person 100K relay team. DWD Gnaw Bone is on a NEW WEEKEND for 2018- See you May 19, 2018. Expect a day that will leave you knowing you are alive, awake and living life in full color!

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