Obsessed Runner Blog

2018-09-12 - Use it or lose it

randy bridgesBy just knowing you are reading this, I can assume you are living a fitness lifestyle, or are at least working toward living one. Either way you have, or had, the courage to start. You made the hard first steps toward becoming a lifelong athlete and are reaping the physical and psychological rewards that come with it. Bravo! I recently met up with an old friend who could not keep up with our active weekend activities, fun physical stuff like a bike ride, swim, yoga, a hike ... Stuff we runners can do with little effort. He was upset with himself and the years he has neglected his body. The pain and frustration on his face and in his frustrated comments to himself made me realize how fortunate we are to be on the right path, to run for the pure joy of running and the satisfaction we get (or are beginning to get) from sweat and sore muscles is the fun part of our daily lives, not a chore, punishment or some dreaded necessary fitness routine... but the highlight of our amazing lives!

You are amazing, and will continue to be if you get out that door!

Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner, hopefully setting a good example while living it up!

PS: FRIENDS OF THE GOAT FLASH SALE! The cooler temps have me feeling fall festive... use coupon code FALLFESTRF18 for $5 off one of the following fun upcoming fall races!




Code expires at 12:00PM on Friday, September 14, 2018.

2018-08-29 - Don't skip today's run!

randy bridgesI am amazed how the miles fly by when the senses are fueled with the smells, sights and sounds of a country dirt road, a summer single track trail through the woods or even running down a subdivision street that is waking to a new day. Dang, that about covers most runs... So, why do the miles seem to crawl by some days on these same roads and trails? The answer, none, but...

Don't skip today, it may be the best run ever!

Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner who is ready to roll the dice each day and see where they land.

PS: Join us this fall for a run that might just be your best run ever in Flushing, MI on October 7, 2018. The Scrumpy Skedaddle 1K, 5K and 10K have awesome swag, hard or soft cider when you finish and an all you can eat pancake party with live music!

PS: After you've filled up on pancakes and hard cider you'll be feeling all the festive fall feels! Grab your favorite costume and head to Ypsilanti, MI on October 13, 2018 for RUN SCREAM RUN! Wiard's Orchard is the perfect backdrop for this 5K, 10K and 1 Mile run/walk! Sweet shirts, fun medals and CIDER AND DONUTS round this fall favorite out.

2018-08-15 - Constant forward movement

randy bridgesI attended my first NASCAR race and watched from the pits, it reminded me of the transition area of a triathlon where every second counts ... And is counted. When you get your overall time in triathlon, it gives you, swim time, T1 time, transition one, that is the time it took you to get out of the water and bike out of transition. Then bike time, then T2, the time it takes from when you get off the bike to the time you run out of transition, finally, your run time and overall time. It can be humbling to see how our transition times compare but also motivational, inspiring us to practice transition and to get better. In running, like these other events, every second counts. My mantra in events, especially long events, is to have "constant forward movement." As runners, it can be helpful to practice eating and drinking on the run. Might I suggest opening a sport gel or bar while running during training and most importantly, grabbing a cup of water. It's not uncommon to go through an aid station and having a runner come to a complete stop in front of you to drink a cup of water as you have to dodge around them. I suggest you practice grabbing the cup on the go, crushing the cup closed so there is no air left so you can put it to your lips and suck it down. I know most of us are mid packers and are not on the hunt for the win or even an age group award but our overall time, our personal records, are important to us, every second counts. These are the numbers that get us out the door and motivate us to be better at our sport.

May your forward movement be constant,

Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner who won't be able to go through an aid-station or transition without thinking of the pits at NASCAR.

PS: The 6th episode of the Obsessed Runner Live is in the can! Hopefully these 6 minute clips will help you get your butt out the door! Heck, you can watch all 6 in about 30 minutes. Please share if you enjoy them. Thanks!

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