Obsessed Runner Blog

2018-11-28 - Your run is under attack

randy holiday5kThe big holiday guns are firing with full force: work parties, family gatherings, shopping that needs to get done, decorating to do and the last minute invitations to lunch and dinner coming in like drone attacks! It's time to dig into our arsenal of secret weapons. Break out the headlamps, reflective vest, flashlight and once the last person in the house is asleep, flee into the night and use up one of those 3 mile runs ... the shower may sound suspicious, shhhhhh. Have your running gear at hand at all times and keep an eye out for the opportunity to escape at a moment's notice! At the next holiday gathering, you'll  know you have won the war when we see that you are the one who is relaxed, refreshed, smiling and patient in the frantic, party crowd, showing no wounds. And they will wonder how you did it... Ha!

Run, party and smile,

Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner who is OK with seeing a lot of single digit mile runs this month!

PS: HO, HO, GO! Naughty or nice, walker or runner, come breathe in the December night air, burn a few holiday calories and give back to others! The Holiday Hustle on December 8, 2018 is a festive dash around Dexter that will get you in the holiday spirit. Knit beanies to all entrants and medals to all finishers. REGISTER NOW!

PS: 2019 is near! Get a jump on planning your running year by checking out the RF Events 2019 Calendar! Open events include: Bigfoot Snowshoe Race - Traverse City, MI - January 26, Super 5K - Novi, MI - February 3, Shamrocks & Shenanigans - Ann Arbor, MI - March 10 Martian Invasion of Races - Dearborn, MI - April 13, and Run Woodstock - Pinckney, MI - September 6, 7 & 8... and keep those eyes peeled for more races opening soon!

2018-11-18 - I love winter, sure...

randy holiday5kLet's face it, it's winter. Now is the time to commit to getting out the door consistently and putting in the miles. I'm not talking about every day or lots of miles, just about getting out the door on a regular basis to keep the fire lit. One of the reasons we run is that it is simple and requires hardly anything. Yes winter requires a few more layers, but in the grand scheme of winter sports running is still as basic as it gets. A synthetic or wool base layer next to the skin to wick away moisture, (staying dry is staying warm,) covered by a micro fiber vented shell to stop the wind. Add to that tights, hats, mitts, some traction control for the shoes, head lamp and reflective vest. Winter brings darkness, icy winds, bad footing and most importantly, runs that give us the greatest feeling of accomplishment ever!

Whatever the weather, we'll be ready to run.

Get out there today,

Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner who's mantra is "I love winter, I love winter" ... And I'll repeat it until I believe it!

PS: Join us Thanksgiving morning in downtown Ann Arbor for a turk-tacular time! Trot 5K or 1 Mile before the feast. Long sleeve shirts to all pre-registered participants, medals and hot chocolate to all finishers! Register now!

PS: HO, HO, GO! Naughty or nice, walker or runner, come breathe in the December night air, burn a few holiday calories and give back to others! The Holiday Hustle on December 8, 2018 is a festive dash around Dexter that will get you in the holiday spirit. Knit beanies to all entrants and medals to all finishers. REGISTER NOW!

2018-11-08 - Running and Passion

randy holiday5kWithout a fire in our heart, the world seems a colder place. I'm not completely sure of the meaning of life but having a passion seems to be a piece of the puzzle. For those of us lucky enough to have found running and have made it our passion, understand how important having a focus that drives us can be. We are fortunate that running is mostly healthy and non-threatening to others. I also believe that those who have found a passion are much more understanding and accepting of others with passions, even those much different from ours. Passion gives us some common ground, we can relate to those who are really into something.

Live it up out there and share your passion,

Randy Step, an admitted passionate... OK, obsessed runner, who loves to spend time with people with a passion, be it sky diving, motorcycles, forensics, theater, politics or whatever. They never seem bored and often give me insight to a world outside of my own. Dig it.

PS: Have a passion for turkey, trotting, friends and family? Join us Thanksgiving morning in downtown Ann Arbor for a turk-tacular time! Trot 5K or 1 Mile before the feast. Long sleeve shirts to all pre-registered participants, medals and hot chocolate to all finishers! Register now!

PS: HO, HO, GO! Naughty or nice, walker or runner, come breathe in the December night air, burn a few holiday calories and give back to others! The Holiday Hustle on December 8, 2018 is a festive dash around Dexter that will get you in the holiday spirit. Knit beanies to all entrants and medals to all finishers. REGISTER NOW!

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