Obsessed Runner Blog

2018-12-20 - Realistic Resolutions

randy holiday5kIt's still a couple weeks off but NOW is the time to commit to some New Year's resolutions. Yes, people fail at resolutions all the time but then again, many make changes that stick. I'm a believer in realistic tweaks, working to be a better version of ourselves. As for running, an example would be to start a new streak, committing to never run less than 3 days a week. This would be a good commitment for the runner who already runs 3 to 4 days but blows off a week now and then without an acceptable excuse (there are no acceptable excuses! Ha.) After, let's say... 6 months of not missing 3 days, a week has started bad and you have 3 days left and will need to run all 3. The streak you have going will be powerful motivation to make it happen. Getting the 3 runs in will raise your self-esteem and will motivate you get in your runs early so this does not happen again. Picture this streak going on for 3 years and imagine the power of it! This is one idea for a streak, perhaps it could be minimum miles for the daily run or minimum miles for the week, whatever seems realistic and motivational to you. Consider small tweaks in other areas of life like your charitable giving, reductions in bad habits, thoughtfulness to friends or skills you have wanted to learn but have procrastinated on.

Give it some thought on today's run. When you get back, write down your list, pick the most realistic ones and ... Commit!

Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runners who has made many successful tweaks over the years, and yes, has failed at times. That said, I consider not trying as a total failure.

PS: Time to sit down with the 2019 RF Events Calendar and plan your year! We've got distances from 1 Mile to 100 miles and there are so many amazing venues and trails to be visited! Check it out HERE, start making your list... and checking it twice! The more you run, the more you'll earn! Our Run More, Earn More program gives you back $20 for every $150 you spend on race entries... just sayin'!

2018-12-12 - Short run absolution

randy holiday5kAs far as daylight hours, the next couple weeks will be the hardest to deal with, giving us about 8 measly hours of light. The winter solstice starts on the 21st but the reality is the sun kind of stalls for a couple weeks on either side of solstice before we inch into the longer days. Even as an obsessed runner I believe the short days give us absolution for short runs! In two months, say Feb 12th, we'll have about an hour and a half more light than today, 20% more light, deserving of a 20% increase in weekly mileage, I'll up that another 25% by March 12th as the sun starts to do its job! More new math BS? Perhaps, but an excuse for a plan none the less!
Run short, sweet and perhaps in the dark, but get out there and run!

Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner who just looked into why the daily average temperature drops after the shortest day of the year, the start of winter, something that seemed to make no sense to me. It seems the earth's thermal mass takes a while to cool down after summer. I'll be darned ... And cold.

PS: Time to sit down with the 2019 RF Events calendar and plan your year! We've got distances from 1 Mile to 100 miles and there are so many amazing venues and trails to be visited! Check it out HERE, start making your list... and checking it twice!

2018-2-05 - I will run outside!

randy holiday5kYep, it's winter, the real deal. Between the weather and the busy holiday season it takes serious commitment to get out that door. Repeat after me, " I can run outside consistently this winter, I will run outside consistently!" OK, we are committed! This is not to say you will not put in a few treadmill miles if that's part of your jam, but that you will get out that door at least a couple times a week. One of the aspects of the run that makes it fulfilling is that it gets us outside. Our run gives us a chance to escape from our man-made caves and away from the air that we re-breathe with each other, and into the natural wonderful world. Perhaps it will be a morning run into the sunrise with the light crunch of snow underfoot and the self-generated steam of our breath twisting about, or a run anytime of the day or night when we get the chance to be out to feel the weather on our face that slaps us awake and lets us know we are fully alive and living life in full color.

Dig it!

We will run outside,

Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner who is rooting for you!

PS: HO, HO, GO! Last chance for the lowest price on the Holiday Hustle! Register by NOON tomorrow! Naughty or nice, walker or runner, come breathe in the December night air, burn a few holiday calories and give back to others! The Holiday Hustle on December 8, 2018 is a festive dash around Dexter that will get you in the holiday spirit. Knit beanies to all entrants and medals to all finishers. REGISTER NOW!

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